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((Toris' POV))

Dinner was silent, other then when my dad told Felix to take his medicine, or when he broke out in another coughing fit and my mom showed him how to use the inhaler. I found myself unable to look up from my plate that I still haven't touched yet, unable to eat too. My head kept going back to when when we were sitting on the couch together and Felix stopped me to tell me not to worry and that he'll get better, my thoughts telling me that wasn't true, that if it was true he wouldn't be violently coughing as he did now, or wouldn't get those times where he would be unable to speak because his throat hurt so bad.

"Toris, are you alright?" The silence was broken, by Felix none the less. I nod and just continue to push the food around my plate. He must not have been convinced because he reached across the corner of the table to take my hand into his, just looking at me for a few moments before going back to eating. I put my fork down and just sit there.

"Honey, do you not like it? I thought it was one of your favorites," mom said, making me just feel guilty for not eating the wonderful food she made.

"I just don't feel the best.. um-" I mumbled quietly as I looked up at her, then glanced over at Felix as I gripped his hand tighter, not really knowing why or what I was asking for out of him. Comfort, probably.

I stayed in the kitchen and dining room for a bit after dinner to help clean up, as I always did. It was no surprise that my mom kept asking me what was wrong, and told me that I didn't need to help if I really wasn't feeling to well, but I couldn't just leave her to do it by herself, cleaning up is a lot of work just for one person. Normally dad heads back out to heard the animals back in and close up the barns and coops, so I can pull my weight too.

When we were done, I headed back to my room to get ready for bed, at least just put pajamas on and start to wind down with a book or something. When I walked in, Felix was there, all curled up in my blankets, sitting up against my pillows, and reading Hamlet. As soon as I walked in he noticed and put his book down, I felt like I was in a bad 50s movie where the wife waits until just before bed to tell her husband that she thinks their marriage if failing.

"Toris, what's goin' on?" He asked, catching me off guard even though I was just asking that many times by my mom, and Felix already asked me that before. "Like, you're so quiet, and you seem out of it." So this is the scene where the wife confronts the husband about something, well, it is but it isn't..

"Nothing is going on Felix," I have to lie about something to make it so he isn't worried, quick Toris think, "I just-... found maggots in one of our fields this morning.. I'm going to start the process of getting rid of the maggots tomorrow, buttttt- I'm worried that it's already to far in."

"Toris you're an awful lier," he responded with a soft chuckle, making me look down and my ears go a bit red. "I told you earlier, you don't have to worry about me. I know you are." It was true, and now my whole face felt hot. I walked over and sat on the edge of my bed, looking down still.  "Tell me, honestly, is there anything I can do to convince you that I'll be alright? That you don't need to be my knight in shining armor; although on some occasions?? Yes please!" Felix said, well, more like appealed. He laughed as he said it, and it made me chuckle a bit as well, and I finally looked up at him. He did look healthy, other then the darker bags under his eyes, but his eyes were lively and happy, his gold wheat hair still shimmering.

"I guess you're right," I decided, a smile on my face that I couldn't take away.

"Right about my getting better? Or right about you being my one and only knight in shining armor," he had a big grin on his face and mischief in his eyes as he leaned towards me, but just close enough to make me flustered,

"Oh shut up!" I said with my playful laugh as I pulled away and stood up, my face presumably the reddest it could be with how hot it was, most definitely looking away from Felix so he didn't see my flusterednes.

"Im'ma gonna go shower, goodnight my prince" he hasn't stopped snickering as he stood up from my bed and walked over to me. I felt a soft and warm kiss to my cheek just before he left, making my heart absolutely stop. It took me a moment to look up to him as I held the spot of my cheek in my hand, catching just a glimmer of his hair as he walked out of the room.

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