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Toris' POV

    I tried the best i could! But he still seemed in pain. i wish i can do something to help... The boy, mr Adam said his name is feliks? yes, thats right. well, felks' hair, i don't know how to put it, its like my fathers hay that he's growing. the rolling fields of gold match this boys hair.

"umm, is there anything i else I can do?" really, i want to help. But Feliks just shook his head no, "ok then... I'm going to go to bed" i got up, starting to head to the living room to sleep on the couch since i gave up my room to feliks who obviously needs it more then me. when i turned away, i felt warmth around my wrist, feliks' hand kept me form moving farther away. i turn back to him an saw tears streaming down his face. this was probably a traumatic time for him, and i knew, being his saver and all, would probably be most of his comfort right now.

"don't go" he said in a raspy voice. i stood and took his hand between both of my own, walking closer to him and siting on the side of the bed,

"it will be fine... your safe... ok? i promise nothing will happen to you" i tried to say in a calming voice, looking him in the eye as i said it to give it proof and meaning in my words. Felids looked down, his wheat gold hair falling in frount of his face. he nods, softly, but still won't let go.

"just to, like, be sure..... ok?" he said, looking back up at me. i couldn't refuse, so i just smiled and nodded, but it make me more happy when he smiled back.

    I made him lay back down again and cover him with the blankets. he almost fell asleep immediately. as for myself, i could feel myself getting more and more sleepy, so i take my hair out of the bun and layed down onto of the blankets, facing feliks who seemed to be having a peaceful rest. i closed my eyes, and at some point, just fell asleep.

Time skip brought to you by Polands pony!

         i woke up rough, not wanting to get up, still tired... i never wake up like this, i always wake up ready to get to work. but right now, the bed seemed to be like hot water, the warmth surrounding me and the mattress under me disappearing. i kept my eyes closed, not wanting to face the reality of a sunlit bedroom, but rather stay in my reality where I'm in a warm ocean. but i had to, open my eyes that is. the illusion fell when someone came in, starting to talk to someone else. was that my father? who was that he was talking to? wait, why am i covered in blankets, i fell asleep on top of them last night! i open my eyes slightly to peek, it was my father, with a woman who looked a lot like feliks. i open my eyes all the way and sit up, rubbing the sleep sand away from my eyes, they both looked at me.

"oh, toris you're up" my dad said, walking over to me, i just look at the woman with the same familiar gold hair. "toris, i would like you to meet ms. Lukasiewicz" he said to me, kinda presenting her to me. she held her hand out to me,

"nice to meet you toris, I'm feliks mother" i took her hand and softly shook it, noting a bit to acknowledge her. " i heard your the boy who saved my little boy!" she said in a sort of happy tone, i could tell she was sad about what happened though. I smile a bit and nod,

"ya, it was the right thing to do, if i waited any longer, he would have been unreachable..." i said, to try to tell the story from my point of view. I look over to my father, "do you know what started the fire?"

"Mr Adam said it was a grease fire, he was trying to make popcorn"

"oh..." i said softly, the stupidest thing, risked the life of a boy who barely even got to live his live yet. why does this happen?

    i found myself staring into space, i shook my head a bit and looked beside me, feliks wasn't there.

"wheres feliks?" i turn back to the two,

"hes in the living room with a doctor" his mom said, looking toward the door. i immediately got up and ran to the living room where i saw feliks and the doctor who lives down the road, also mother and mr Adam.

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