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Charles stayed by Will's side even when Dr. Owens was showing Hopper, Sarah and Joyce the map of the lab. "Look, this is us, and this is the nearest exit. But even if we somehow make it there, there's no way out." The doctor explains.

"What do you mean?" Hopper asked him. "The locks are fail secure." The doctor says and Sarah looks at Joyce beside her. "Fail secure?" The woman questioned. "If there's a power outage, the building goes on full lockdown." The doctor explained and Charles looked over at them.

"Can it be unlocked remotely?" Bob asked. "With a computer, sure, but somebody's gotta reset the breakers." The doctor said and Charles looks down, at his hand holding Will's. "Where are the breakers?" Hopper asked the man.

"Breakers are in the basement, three floors down." He said and Hopper grabs the papers, turning around. Sarah immediately grabs his arm, "Jim, where the hell are you going?" She said with a stern look on her face causing Charles to look over. Sometimes he forgot how close Hopper and his mom were, went to the same high school and it was how Sarah met Joyce.

"To reset the breakers." Hopper said then turned away again. "Okay, then what?" Sarah asked him and he turns to her again. He raised his hand to her head, resting it to the side of her head, "then we get the hell out of here." He said but Bob walks over. "No, then the power comes back on. If you wanna unlock the doors, you have to completely reboot the computer system, and then override the security codes with a manual input." Bob says.

"Fine, how do I do that?" Hopper asked as he pulls his hand away from Sarah. "You can't. Not unless you know BASIC." Bob said and Sarah gave a confused look. "What the hell does that mean?" She asked which Hopper was also wondering. "It's a computer programming language." Mike said and Charles looks at him right away.

"Teach it to me." Hopper says and Charles scoffed. "Shall I teach you French while I'm at it, Jim? How about a little German?" Bob sassed the police officer and Charles raised his eyebrows. Bob then turns to Dr. Owens, "how abot you, Doc? You speak BASIC?" He asked the man. "No."

"Okay. I got this." Bob says then looks at Hopper, nodding. "I got this." He said, meaning he was gonna go downstairs. "No. Bob." Joyce said, walking over to Bob and Sarah looks between the two. "It's okay." Bob said then the two hugged each other. "It's gonna be okay. Remember, Bob Newby, superhero." Bob says when they pulled apart.

After Bob and Hopper left, Charles looked down at Will. He felt his heart break everytime he saw Will like this, he had dark circles under his eyes. He holds onto Will's hand tighter, sighing softly. "You deserve better than this, Will.." He whispers underneath his breath, hoping no one heard him but then Will puts a hand to his shoulder.

Mike comfortingly squeezed his shoulder. After a while, Hopper had come back, holding a gun this time and Mike started pacing as Sarah stood with Joyce and Charles next to Will. The lights came back on and they all look up right away.

"He made it."

The doctor sits down in the seat, turning on the power. "Okay, Bob, can you hear us?" He says into the mic. "Loud and clear, Doc. Can you hear me back." Bob said. "Yeah, we hear you." Dr. Owens said as Charles looked over. "Alright, give me a minute." Bob said and so they waited.

"Open sesame."

"It's open." The doctor says to Hopper, Sarah, Joyce, Charles and Mike. Charles' face scrunches up when he noticed his mom holding Hopper's hand. He choses not to question it as he looks away, down at Will. "Son of a bitch did it."

"Right, I'll meet you outside." Bob says. "Nice job." Dr. Owens said. "Hold on a second, Chief." He then said and Hopper turns to him right away, even though he was about to pick up Will.

"West stairwell's not clear anymore."

"What's going on?"

"We've got some company."


"The west stairwell."

"I got an idea." Bob said and Charles walks over, watching the screen. "What the hell's he doing?" Dr. Owens asked then the sprinklers went off on another floor, catching the monster's attention so it runs up the stairs, clearing the stairwell.

"Okay. Okay, that worked. Now, get out of there. Go! Go!" Dr. Owens said and Hopper picked up Will over his shoulder. "Wait a second, Chief." Dr. Owens says. "What?" Hopper turns to him and the man holds out the walkie. "Take this." The doctor says. "What are you doing?" Hopper asked, taking it anyway. "Any more surprises, I'll let you know. Go! Go!" The doctor says then they left.

Hopper looks both ways off the hall then Sarah walks out with her son, holding hands again. They walk down the hall as Charles reached out and grabbed Mike's hand in his before they start running towards the exit Dr. Owens showed them.

Hopper lets down Will who Charles holds onto, holding up the boy. Sarah then heard screaming from the inside, Hopper ran in as she looks at Charles and Mike. "Wh-what's that?" Charles stammered and she holds his shoulders. "Nothing, baby, just stay here.." She whispered then rushed inside as gunshots fired, it was Hopper.

"Jim!" Sarah said, grabbing Joyce and leading her out the exit as she screamed, "No! BOB! BOB!" Watching Bob get killed as she tried to get out of Sarah's grip but the other didn't let her go and was now leading her towards the exit.

"What happened?" Mike shouted as he looks at the two who were holding Joyce back. "No!" Joyce yelled as Sarah grabs her face in her hands. "He's gone! He's gone!" Hopper yelled. "Joyce, relax. Joyce! Joyce!" Sarah said calmly. A car horn honking catches their attention as they look over.

"Come on! Get in!"

authors note bob newby </3
+ when hopper and sarah have a moment, i'm legit like 🥺💘💗💖💕💘💖💝💞💗 and i really ship it now like imagine charles and el as step sibs😲

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