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CHARLES immediately looked at Will, taken back by the fact he's standing up to him before Charles could even do so. "You're probably unaware of it because you care more about your girlfriend than your own friends, but Charles is going through something you clearly never noticed or cared about... so why do you get the right to know now?" Will asked and Charles just stared at him in awe.

"Yeah, sorry..." Mike murmured, looking down then glanced up at Charles for a split second, then down at his plate. All off the sausages cut up into pieces, the scrambled eggs in seperate bite sized portions and his bacon on the side was in pieces as well the same as the other food. Mike glanced up at Charles who finally looked at him and all the Wheeler could even do is give him an encouraging smile.

Charles stared for a moment, surprised before he looked down. Mike and Will both quickly divert their gazes but Will kept his hand in Charles' under the table, softly squeezing slim fingers around Charles' own hand. The Dumont boy finally picked up his fork and stabbed a few pieces of his scrambled eggs.

He raised his hand and took a small pause, just holding the fork in front of his mouth. "Hey, guys," Jonathan spoke up from the counter where he sat on a stool so Charles feels a sense of relief, putting down his fork to look over. "There is a 4:00 p.m. showing of Police Academy 3." He says and Charles furrows his brows together before looking over at Will.

But Will's eyes are on Mike, a look of concern on his face. "Could be fun." Jonathan says as Charles felt a very familiar feeling he shouldn't be feeling as often as he does. Jealousy. "Maybe we just stay home today." Will glanced over at Jonathan and noticed Charles staring at him but once he makes eye contact with the blue eyed boy, Charles glanced away and brought his hand up that he had both on the table so Will retracted his hand, confused.

"What is this? You guys gonna mope around all break?" Jonathan gestured between the three boys sitting at the table. "No one's moping. It's just the movie is supposed to suck." Will said and Mike just got up suddenly, taking the plate of Eggos. Charles glanced at Will who watched Mike before looking down.

"What's wrong? Disappointed your other boyfriend's left for his girlfriend?" He asked making Will look up right away, taken back so Charles just got up, leaving the table. Jonathan watched as Charles made a direct beeline towards Will's bedroom before looking over at Will. "What was that about?" He asked and Will just let out a small sigh.

"I don't know..." He mumbled and got up, going over to his bedroom where Charles was sitting on the end of the bed, digging through his backpack. "Okay, I'm all for you being jealous because it's actually kinda cute... but are you actually upset with me?" Will walked over to his desk and sat down onto the chair, staring at Charles with a concerned look.

"I just find it so bullshit you're so worried for Mike! It's Mike, who cares?" Charles exclaimed and Will just frowned. "You were both my best friends since we were younger... I care as much for him as I do for you." He says, confused where all of this was even coming from. "Oh, so you like him romantically too?" Charles said and Will just scoffed but doesn't deny it.

"You--you both mean the world to me! I just don't like that El was lying to him..." He said and Charles just stared blankly at him. "He's in a shitty cult called Hellfire club. They play D&D every weekend..." He said before he stood up and Will is confused for a moment. "You know... your little unspoken pact to not play D&D, you told him you wouldn't join another party. But there he goes, joining a different one... you still care about him?" Charles said as he turned around slowly towards the bed where he now set down his backpack gently.

"Why are you saying all this?" Will quickly stood up and Charles can hear the slight voice crack. "To hurt me? Because I don't see why, I don't like Mike the way I like you. Which is a lot. I love you, Charles. That would never change." He said and Charles just slowly turned his head before looking at Will in the eyes.

Sure enough, his hazel eyes are glossy and he's blinking as if to fight off the tears. "I'm sorry." Charles whispers and Will just sighed. "All I do for you, is care for you, and pay attention to you, and only you. But all you care about is me wanting better for our friend?" Will said and Charles realized how unfair that was before turning his head away again.

"But Mike is no friend of mine... not anymore at least." He says quietly and Will let out a shaky breath. "It still doesn't give you the right to be a jerk to me about caring for him." He said and he has a point. Mike and Will were best friends, maybe not as much as Charles and Will were, but Will still cared for Mike the way he cares for Charles. It really wasn't fair.

Charles slowly lets go of his backpack, turning around to wrap his arms around Will's waist. "I'm sorry..." He whispered quietly, resting his head onto Will's shoulder. "Whatever." Will slowly pulled back from his arms and left the room, leaving Charles standing there with a confused look but yet not, he wasn't at all surprised. He was being pretty unfair.

But who could blame him? Mike was ten times better than Charles, at least that's how he feels most days. Anyone is better than Charles in his mind. Because at least Mike is... straight. Same with everyone else Charles has known. Steve. Max. Lucas. Dustin. Jonathan. Nancy. They all have the same thing in common, they're not into the same sex like Charles is.

Even jerks like Mike or Billy Hargrove were ten times better than Charles ever would be. Sometimes Charles thinks a lot about swapping places with his mom. At least she would be alive and happy, unlike Charles currently is. He covered his hands over his face as he slowly sat down on the edge of the bed.












authors note & then el gets arrested... FREE MY GIRL, SHE DIDNT DO ANYTHING 💪  lol anyways angst just for fun 😘💋

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