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"Aghh what the hell is happening to this kid?" Stiles shouted as he held onto one of his shoulders with mine and Derek's help. 

"He's been poisoned by a rare wolfsbane, I need to make an incision and you need to hold him as still as possible" Deaton explained holding a razor in his hand. 

Brett struggled against us, convulsing as a yellow foamy liquid spilt from his mouth "Hey, guys how about a little werewolf strength" Stiles told us and Derek looked almost terrified for some reason.

"Yeah, we're not the only ones here with werewolf strength" He bit back. 

"If you can't hold him still the incision might kill him" Deaton exclaimed and I pushed harder only for Brett to get out of our hold shooting up from the table and going for the door. 

But Peter punched him knocking him down to the floor, "I guess I still have a little Werewolf strength myself" My uncle shrugged 

"Yeah maybe more than a little" Derek commented, looking down at his scratch only it wasn't healing. 

My uncle and I shared a look before Stiles spoke up "Hey Doc I don't think he's breathing" He told him before they both knelt down beside the werewolf. 

Deaton cuts the centre of Brett's chest, releasing a puff of yellow gas, as he gulps down air. "He'll be okay but he'll also be out for a while" Deaton explained. 

Brett starts to mutter something and Stiles speaks up "Guys can you hear that he's saying something" 

Deaton leaned down closer to hear better and I waited until the vet sat back up and repeated the Beta's words "Three things cannot long be hidden, The Sun, The Moon, The Truth" Deaton looked to me "It's Buddhist" 

"Isn't it your mantra too" Stile asked looking to me as well, I nodded before sharing a look with my family 

"Satomi" Peter spoke what we were thinking. 

~Time Skip~

Derek, Peter, Stiles, Brett and Deaton had all gone long ago, each doing their own thing whereas I stayed at the clinic cleaning up and reminiscing about different things and before I knew it, it was the morning. I looked outside to see it still dark and gloomy but that was probably because of the rain, which was hammering down on the roof and windows, I heard a clang of keys so I finished up what I was doing and acted like I only just got there, only a few minutes later did someone actually come through the door. 

"(Y/n)? Oh never mind just get the chair" Deaton instructed as he carried a very sick looking man in. 

I ran to the waiting room type place grabbing a chair and placing it next to the metal table, Deaton and a woman with her hood up placed the man down, who wad covered in sweat and had black blood coming off his claws and teeth which were fangs at this point. 

The woman the took off her coat quickly and I soon realised it was "Satomi?" I asked looking at here in disbelief.

"It has been long, and I wish for it to have been under better circumstances to see you again" Satomi greeted before Deaton spoke up, 

"how does it begin?" 

"With fever then shifting becomes uncontrollable, fangs, claws, even full unwanted transformations" Deaton looked over the werewolf as the alpha explained "We moved into the woods when that began, then it progressed faster and faster, they couldn't stand but worst than that this sudden blindness" 

Satomi's words caught Deatons attention "Total?" He questioned. 

"They couldn't see a thing, From there they had only a few minutes left" She answered.

Corrupted Hearts ➸ Isaac Lahey x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now