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I grumbled waking up to the sound of my alarm, I hit it before rolling over to sleep again but the covers were pulled off me "Nope, you're going to school" Derek's voice rang through the room.

I groaned again "I'm fine" I explained hugging myself, and burring my face into Isaac's shirt I was wearing. 

"Nope, you think you'll get a job in France like this" He motioned to me. 

I scoffed "Thanks a lot" 

"that's not-- just get ready for school... and wear some of your own clothes for once his scent is everywhere and he's not even in the country" Derek complained before walking out. 

I moaned before jumping out of bed and putting on a pair of black ripped jeans, a white crop top and Isaac's black button up shirt-- which I stole from his closet back in Paris-- hanging over it. I put my hair in a messy bun (if you have short hair just do it how you want) then grabbed my phone before heading down to the living room type area. I had a smirk on as I grabbed my lunch from the side "Thanks Derek" I thanked him for my food before putting on my boots and hanging my backpack on one shoulder. 

"What did I say about wearing your own clothes" my older brother complained.

"Try not to annoy Braeden too much" I shouted back with a chuckle before running to my car. 

I drove to school, hoping out my car I followed the scent of my friends and I guess pack while I'm here. It lead to the locker room so I guessed they were having a meeting in there but I was wrong extremely wrong, I walked in on loads of topless boys. "oh shit" I mumbled before walking back out but not after loads of catcalls. 

"why were you in there? In fact, I thought you went back to France" Stiles asked as they walked up to me in their kit 

"I followed your scent and I was mistaken. And I'm not going back to France until I know Kate is dead" I answered, growling mentally at my mention of Kate. 

"Ok well, you might need to find some new clothes cause all I ever see-- well smell-- you wearing is Isaac's tops" Scott grimaced. 

I huffed "You and Derek both" I mumbled before adjusting my bag strap and walking down the hall. 

"Where are you going?" Stiles called after me.

"I don't know!" I shouted back. 

~Time Skip~

I got roped into watching tryouts with Kira and Malia, we were walking to the bench when Malia asked us something "Ok, what the hell is that smell? I've been smelling it around school all day and still can't find someone with the same scent mark" she complained.

I sighed fed up "It's my boyfriend, I'm wearing his shirt" I answered, and she looked me over sniffing the air before shrugging "ok, smells like it" She answered as we sat down, Malia then went on to study while I just went on my phone for a couple of minutes with coaches disappointed voice in the background until Malia broke the kind of silence again "Ok what's wrong with you?" She looked at Kira.

"Me?! nothing" Kira answered trying not to lie.

"Uptick" I hummed in a monotone type voice.

"You reak of anxiety and it's distracting what's going on?" Malia continued.

Kira looked to me "It's true, it's making me have anxiety just smelling yours" I answered her silent question. 

"Scott and I sort of had this thing happen, but it wasn't much of a thing and now I'm starting to think never was anything... at all" She rambled.

"What do you want it to be?" Malia asked as if she understood what was just said. 

"More" Kira answered disappointed, with a huff and leaning on the lacrosse stick she was holding. 

The try out's started to get good and just watching Stiles fail and being tortured by coach was enough entertainment for me, then a new player got my attention he was way too good to be human and yet I got no scent from him to tell me otherwise "Malia, can you find a scent on the new guy?" I asked.

"nope completely human, although I'm still not all good at this" She answered looking at the game intently. Scott and Stiles were doing terrible and I could tell Scott's reign as captain was over unless he did something supernatural about it. Until Scott started to become better stopping the tryouts before they could shoot, or even get close enough to. Until the new kid came up, getting past the boys and scoring "That was luck!!" Malia shouted I tried to pull her down "Do over!!" She continued.

"Sweetheart there are no do-overs, this is practice" Coach retorted.

"10 bucks on Scott and Stiles" She continued and I rolled my eyes when coach accepted and told the boys to get in position. 

The new kid ran forward dodging Stiles but getting hit by Scott sending him to the floor with a sickening crack. Stiles and Scott took him to the nurse as he limped with their help, then later took him to the hospital, Kira stayed behind to talk with Scott before they went to the hospital and Malia met up with Stiles afterwards for their study date, I couldn't help but miss Isaac because of it. 

I had arrived at the loft, getting out and walking into the lounge when Derek spoke up "Take a shower you smell" he complained.

"Good afternoon to you too" I said sarcastically.

"Don't give me that" he retorted and I scoffed "Derek I had to deal with your bossy ass hormonal teenage self just over a week ago so can you give me a bloody break" 

"That wasn't my fault" Derek replies as I start to walk up the stairs.

"No it wasn't but you don't have to be so rude" I complained, raising my voice slightly. 

"If you don't like the way I speak why don't you go back to Paris for your perfect life" he mocked. 

"Seriously!" I jeered "Nothing will ever be perfect again, Derek. you know why? cause the person who cooked our family alive and made your eyes gold is frolicking in the sunshine of Mexico!!" I shouted back at him before running to my room and slamming my door shut.

I slid down my door hitting my head against it and running a hand through my hair, I heaved out a long sigh as tears slipped down my cheeks, I didn't bother wiping them I just left the shimmering trails on my face. I closed my eyes breathing shakily as the sound of my phone broke the stunned silence, I moved my hand from my head to my pocket taking my phone out and looking at the caller ID. Isaac's name flashed up so I sucked in the cold air steadying myself before answering in a cheery voice "Hi babe" I greeted.

"Hiya, just wanted to see how your day was? Also, you didn't call this morning" He mumbled the last part. 

"Sorry I've started school again and I didn't have time, and I had a great day" I answered trying not to sound too forced and fake. 

"Great, glad you are having a good time there, when are you coming back?" Isaac continued, 

I hadn't told him about Kate coming back "I need to stay longer than anticipated sorry, you know the hunter that burned my family? She's back" I told him. 

"Isn't she meant to be dead?" He questioned. 

"Yeah, but um well she was turned apparently but we don't know what she is" I answered and he stayed silent for a few seconds "Ok, stay safe and don't worry about texting or calling in the morning, I don't want you to miss school or have a massive phone bill" the beta told me. 

I smiled "Ok thanks, I've got to go but we'll talk again soon. I love you" "Love you too" he replied before ending the call.

I climbed into bed shutting of my lamp before closing my eyes and falling into a deep and much-needed sleep. 

A/N; Don't forget to Vote, Add and Follow, have a lovely day/night, my readers.

Disclaimer; I do NOT own Teen Wolf or any of their characters which I write in this, I own (Y/N) and that's it, Please don't sue I like not being in jail. This is for entertainment and I get no money from it.       

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