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I was cooking breakfast, in one of Isaac's oversized shirts, when I heard the bedroom door creak open,

"Morning sleepy head" I called out not taking my gaze off the bacon I was cooking.

"Looks good" Isaac whispered with a raspy voice into my ear, as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

I shivered from the touch before speaking again "Well go sit down so I can get it ready" I told him but he stayed where he was, burying his head in the crook of my neck,

"I wasn't talking about the bacon" he replied in a muffled voice, before leaving a trail of kisses down my neck, making me moan slightly.

I chuckled as he spun me around to face him, holding my cheeks with his warm palms, placing his lips on mine before his hands travelled back down to my hips, lifting me up onto the island that was behind him. Hearing a clatter of things, I pulled away looking to the floor to see the pans and plates that I had placed down had fallen off, luckily only one shattering. I turned back to Isaac, eyes glowing "You're cleaning that up..." I looked down at his plup lips "Later" I added before smashing them into mine again, my hips rolling against his as we moved our lips quicker and closer.

After a heated moment my cell phone rang, I pulled back and hopped off the counter, Isaac groaning in the background as I picked up the phone call, "Scott?" I questioned, we haven't had a call or text from them in, well, weeks and I suspected Derek told them where we went. I turned round to Isaac with a puzzled look and he listened into the phone.

"(Y/n)? Oh, thank god! You and Isaac have to come back to Beacon Hills, It's Derek he's gone missing" Scott told me in a released but also stressed voice.

I just stayed silent for a moment "What do you mean missing?" I asked,

"He hasn't been seen in weeks and he's not answering anybody, and well..." He paused "Lydia has a bad feeling" He told me and it seemed like the world stopped.

"I'll be on the next plane, then text you when I arrive" I exclaimed before saying goodbye and putting the phone down.

I looked up to Isaac, who came over to me, I was still shocked but I knew I had to help my brother. "Isaac, i-i ha--" He cut me off,

"We'll go, together, remember I'll follow you anywhere" He told me with a small smile.

I sighed looking around our apartment "No" he looked at me confused "We belong here, well at this moment in time, I know it, but I have to help my brother. I also don't want to lose this amazing home or leave Chris alone, so you're gonna stay here, look after the apartment and carry on working with Chris. I'll be back before you know it" I explained and he looked doubtful.

I gave him a peck on lips "I'll call you every morning and every night, and please don't annoy Argent that much" I told him before walking into our bedroom and changing into some jeans but keep his shirt on. Then packing a few essentials into a small bag and some more for an onboard bag before walking out again, Isaac was still only in jogging bottoms when and he had puppy dog eyes as if to tell me to let him come.

"Stay" I joked, treating him like a dog. I walked to the door looking for my keys when Isaac threw them to me and I caught them "Thanks, babe" I thanked as he came over. I looked up at him with a small smile "It's not forever" I told him, Isaac smiled back.

"I love you" he told me pecking my lips,

"I love you too" I replied before opening the door and walking out.

I headed down to Argent's room knocking on the door, Chris opened the door and smiled when he saw me "How's the hubby?" He joked and I laughed sarcastically.

"Good, anyway I came here to tell you something" I explained and he nodded for me to continue "I'm going back to Beacon Hills, Derek's gone missing and they need some help. Isaac is staying before you ask and it's not going to be forever just a few weeks" I looked down the hall in the direction of my current home "Look after him, oh and keep him in line" I chuckled.

"Of course" Argent replied pulling me into a hug, "Have fun" he told me pulling away.

I nodded "See you soon" I told him before saying goodbye and stepping down the hall to the exit and as I walked I thought about how much I was going to miss Paris and having a whole apartment to just me and Isaac,

but like I said It's not forever... right?

A/n; We're back and I thought I'd add a little startup, with a format change (tell me what you think), before actually going to Beacon Hills and having all that mess again. We are starting on episode two of season 4 and I think I'll add Isaac on the secound half of season 4 It really just depends on where a good place is to add him. Anyway, hope you like it and don't forget to Vote, Add and Follow, have a lovely day/night, my readers.

Disclaimer; I do NOT own Teen Wolf or any of their characters which I write in this, I own (Y/N) and that's it, Please don't sue I like not being in jail. This is for entertainment and I get no money from it.

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