Part 61

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One by one, howls died out in the distance as menacing looking wolves came out of the forest to see their pack mother off. I looked down at my mate, burning all of her features in my brain as her dull eyes stared into nothing. My hand rose on itself and closed her eyelids, not hiding the shake in my arm from others. She was gone, just like that.

I pulled her close to my chest as I buried my face into her hair, taking in her scent that was already fading together with her body warmth. Nothing mattered to me at the moment, even if the killer murdered someone before me right now, I would not be able to move. I just wanted to feel my mate for as long as I can.

'Alpha, we should burn her body' someone finally spoke. I saw Lynea's charred body being burned in my mind and growl resonated from my throat. My eyes slowly met the man's in question and the fool began to tremble under my gaze.

'My mate sacrificed herself for one of your own.... and you DARE TO SUGGEST HER BEING BURNED?!' Laird snarled through my body as my muscles were pulled up into a snarl. I was loosing control over my beast side as I felt my body shake, Laird taking more and more control over my body. The fool stepped back as his fearful scent flooded my nostrils and it took everything for me to hold Laird back from tearing the fool's head off his neck.

Ogden acted upon my mood instantly as he walked between me and the fool and pushed the latter away from.

'Prepare the path to the burial chamber, now' he growled lowly to the man and the fool nod, running away instantly. Ogden looked and walked to us. Kneeling down, he gripped my shoulder and looked into my eyes.

'We should move her' he murmured and glanced down at Lynea. With her eyes closed, she looked like she was sleeping, no pain evident on her face.

'It really is a pity' he spoke quietly and stood up, waiting for me to do the same. Breathing in a shaky breath, I gripped my mate closer to me and stood up. It felt like a rocks were stacked on my shoulders as I turned towards the volcano. With my body feeling numb, I began walking towards the burial chamber.

The chamber has been dug by the first Alpha of the pack for his mate. He couldn't find the strength to burn his mate so instead, he closed her body off inside the volcano. After his death, he was put to rest next to her and it became a tradition to put the bodies of the leaders away from the pack, leaving them in peaceful silence. She was not the first human to become pack's mother and even if she was in her position for so short, she still had the right to be put to rest in the chamber.

We came to the bottom of the volcano to soon. Torches lit the narrow path that winded around the base of the volcano and lead to the chamber behind the corner. In the night's shadows, the light from the fire created an unsettling atmosphere.

I looked back to see the pack following me, their heads low and face sombre. Some members were openly in tears and hiccups. Ogden walked towards me with Allan right by him. I watched as the young man took the hand of my mate and squeezed it with tears running freely.

'Goodbye, twin'

He took a step back as I turned around and walked on the path. Nobody was allowed to walk into the chamber apart from me and my right hand.

Walking down the rocky path, my pace slowed down with every step until I stopped by the entrance. A hole of blackness looked at me, a weak stench of rotten flesh still lingering around. My eyes looked down at Lynea's peaceful face, my chest gripping in pain at the emptiness inside. It felt like someone just took everything out of my body, leaving only a shell of former me.

Walking inside, I was met with two rows of pedestal to my sides, all chiselled from the black stone of the volcano. On the sides were carved symbols of our God of Death, dyed with golden colour of wheat. Walking deep inside, I passed the rows of skeletons of my ancestors and leaders, my eyes adjusting to the darkness of the chamber. I stopped at the end and my eyes looked on the skeleton to my right. The only thing left that I recognized was the dark fur plate, still wrapped around my father's remains. Looking opposite of my father, my eyes stopped at the empty pedestal for a second and I skipped it. It was waiting for another body.

I gently placed Lynea down on her own pedestal, placing her hands on her stomach. Tracing her cheek and pushing a strand of her hair away, I leaned down, kissing her for the last time.

'I'll meet you soon' I whispered to her and kissed her forehead before pulling away. Breathing in deeply, I forced myself to walk away from her already cold body. Reaching the entrance that glowed in orange and yellow colours, I glanced back one last time. My mate's body was just a bundle of shadows from here and my jaw gritted, knowing that it will stay like that for the rest of time.

Saying my last quiet goodbye, I walked to the boulder that stood to my left. With all my strength, I pushed it over the entrance, closing the entrance from prying eyes.


I know, I know. The story is rushed, the tragic parts are horrible and Laird with Tlaloc look so calm about death of their mate. I suck at writing sad, tears inducing stories and want to finish this story as fast as possible. Sorry 😶

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