Part 28

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Seven days flew past in a quick motion, quick enough for me not to notice it. During that week I spent most of my time with Tlaloc because he refused to leave me alone in his chambers. He said it was because of their tradition, but I still think it was because of what happened. 

Tlaloc began teaching me the basic knowledge of his tribe women that involved butchering and skinning animals, cooking by the open fire and making food with only salt and some herbs as the spices, cleaning the leather and fur plates without damaging them, working with the said fur plates and leather in order to make new clothes, using different grass in making baskets for storing and most important: he thought me how to start a bloody fire. Of course, a lot of things were thought to me by a woman that came on Tlaloc's order. Since she was involved in the incident, there was a heavy air between us. There were no friendly words spoken from either of us and our voices were professional. Thankfully, Tlaloc was watching the woman with his eagle eyes and during the lessions I could see that she was really uncomfortable. 

And so the last day passed and I was free once again. I say free in joking matter. 

'Tlaloc, do you know where I could find Allan?' I asked him after the breakfast. It came out not bad and I was feeling super good because I was able to make the fire and food without his help. I wouldn't be surprised if I had my chest puffed from pride.

Silence was a reply to my question so I turned around and saw Tlaloc looking at me with the expression that made me confused. I cocked my head and met his eyes.

'Something is wrong?' I asked and he blinked as if awoken from a trance. Without saying, he walked to me and engulfed me in a hug. Warmth spread to my body from his and I hugged him back, still confused by his behaviour, but I had to admit, his arms felt amazing around my body. His muscles that swallowed my petite body created a very safe feeling. I still had a hard time believing that men so fit his age even existed. It was obvious that he was old enough to be a father and I am not trying to sound naive, but during my 19 years in New York, most of the time men around me were either fat from junk food or simply had their normal body structure, but I saw no men with trained bodies like Tlaloc's. Or maybe I wasn't looking around me as much as Anna did. Yeah, that's probably it.

'Is that a yes?' I mumbled into his chest and felt him crush me closer to him. If that was even possible. He didn't say anything for a moment and then replied with a short "no". Upon hearing this I frowned.

'Why?' I asked, my voice barely resonating from my mouth because of the muscles pressed into my face and tried to look up, but that was rendered impossible.

'I don't like seeing you with other men around, especially being so close to that Allan guy' he grumbled and I blinked in surprise of his possessivenes. Yet for some reason I liked it. Never in my short life have I ever been wanted so much and now meeting Tlaloc and receiving so much affection and desire was something new to my league, but welcomed. Definitely welcomed.

With a little bit of struggle, that resulted of Tlaloc's arms squeezing me more into him, I managed to look up and meet his eyes and what I saw threw me off.

'Tlaloc... you aren't... jealous of Allan are you?' I asked carefully, but his growl that resonated from his chest and into my own body made my eyes wide and a smirk find it's way to my lips.

'You are jealous' I said and he growled again, finally letting me go.

'No, I just don't like the idea' he grumbled, but the way he avoided my eyes showed a different answer.

'Awww, Tlaloc is jelly' I cooed and playfully poked his cheek that was followed by my giggles. He didn't say anything and just watched me, unamused by my high spirits because of his feelings.

'But you don't know the thing that makes me so close to Allan, right...' I trailed off and chuckled when he frowned, confused and unamused even more.

'What thing?' He asked and was about to grab me, but I jumped back.

'No no no, that is a secret that Allan should tell you, but I don't think he will. Not to you at least' I taunted him with my chuckles escaping from my lips. I watched as Tlaloc was caught in my playfulness and smirked.

'If you don't come here and tell me this secret right now, Lynea, I will have to use my main torture method to get it out of you' he said and I looked at him disturbed. Flashes of the first kiss and his ability to pull my memories out of my brain came to mind and I took a step back.

'W-what method?' A dark smirk came to his face and began slowly walking towards me, his eyes clearly looking at me as if I was a rabbit that he chose to hunt for dinner. Tlaloc's eyes shifted into his darker colour and I felt shivers of fear and anticipation run down my spine.

'Tickles' he spoke, his voice low and my eyes went wide.

'You will not' I whispered as my back reached the wall by the entrance and stopped me from going any further. A dark chuckle reached my ears followed by Tlaloc's voice.

'I will'

Not wanting to endure that torture I jumped towards the exit and dashed away from him.

'You can't get away from me, Lynea' I heard Tlaloc's voice just behind me and I screamed, running down the stairs in super speed.

'No! I won't allow you!' I screamed and couldn't hold back the giggles as I reached the ground level. Dashing to my left, I ran as fast as I could, but Tlaloc's taunting voice always was right behind me. I ran past the leather tents and working people, ignoring their stares and whispers, shouting to Tlaloc that he will never know the secret, but before I could even blink, I felt a huge mass hit my back and with a scream tumbled down on the ground. I was quickly turned around and pinned to the ground by a massive man, right in the middle of bustling tribe that stopped whatever they were doing and stared at us.

I was panting as I watched Tlaloc smirk down on me and I instantly noticed that he wasn't even out of breath. He must have played along and could have captured me anytime.

'You have last chance to tell me this secret and walk away unharmed' he said and I shook my head.

'Never' I replied and watched Tlaloc's smirk widen.

The next moment I felt his fingers trace my ribs as the ticklish sensation exploded in my sides. My screams of laughter ran loud and clear throughout the area as Tlaloc tortured me. My body twitched and wiggled underneath Tlaloc's as it tried to escape his fingers. After some time I couldn't take it anymore.

'Okay, okay you win! Mercy!' I screamed laughing and he stopped, smirking at me with his victory.

'Speak' he demanded, but I staid quiet and caught my breath first.

'You have to promise not to tell anybody' I said, childish smile adoring my face. Tlaloc rose his brows and I pouted, taking in my childish mood.

'Promise' he breathed out, but I wasn't content with that. I pushed my pinky to his face instead.

'Pinky promise'

Tlaloc looked at me confused and then sighing snaired his own pinky with my own, making my small transparent finger disappear inside his tanned muscles. Yep, even his pinky finger worked out.

'Pinky promise' he said and I grinned at him. He looked at me expectantly and I rose to my elbows, making our chest pressed to each other. Our faces were super close and I leaned close to his ear, so that only he could hear it.

'This is a top secret' I whispered to him and felt his arm snake around my torso to hold me up. I brought my hand to his neck and pressed myself even closer to him. I don't know where the courage came from or why was I doing that, but I continued making our position and atmosphere more intimate.

'The secret is.... Allan loves men' I whispered and giggled pulling away from him when I felt him freeze above me.

Trip To The Inferno [OLD VERSION]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang