Part 8

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An unnerving and tension filled silence once again stood between us. If you took the knife, you could practically cut the tension like butter.

'I-I need to clear my head' Anna mumbled and began walking away from us.

'I'll go with her. It's best if we don't wonder off alone' I said and guys nod.

'We will begin setting the camp. Try to calm her down' Jack said to me and I forced a smile to appear on my face.

'I'll do my best' I said and ran after Anna who was already quite a long way away.

When I caught up with her, I linked my arms with her.

'Are you alright?' I asked her. She still looked pale and I could feel her hand trembling in mine.

'I can't get that scene out of my mind'

'Me too'

'And that sucks! I mean, you are the one who gets scared all the time in this group and yet I'm the one who can't calm down!' She shouted and I hugged her around the shoulders.

'Well... now you know how I feel in almost all intense situations' I tried to calm her down and it seemed to work. She breathed in deeply and slowly breathed out.

'Okay, I'm calm. This kind of situation is good for us' she said calmly and I gave her a weird look. 'At home we wouldn't have learnt how to deal with this kind of death'

'I have a feeling this is not the end' I told her as my stomach clenched in worry.

'Do you think we will be able to leave this island?' She asked probably the most important question.

'Not until your parents or the staff at the Alps notices that we are gone.'

'But even if they do notice that, they will search completely in the wrong direction' she pointed out and that made me perk up.

'What do you mean wrong direction?'

Anna looked at me as if I turned into a cat and then huffed.

'I forgot you slept through important stuff. When our helicopter began malfunction, Kayle also noticed that he was going opposite way we should be going. According to him, he took wrong coordinates or something and instead of going over Atlantic ocean, we were going over Pacific. So we are in the middle of nowhere' she explained and I let out a shaky breath.

'We are doomed' I said and felt tears beginning to sting my eyes. The bad feeling in my stomach only intensified and I began imagining us dying on this island from predators, starvation or injury. Maybe we will be mauled like Kayle was. And the worst part is that nobody will even think about looking in here.

'Lynae, we will leave this island' Anna spoke, but her voice was weak.

'You don't even believe your words' I said and let tears flow down my cheeks. 'We are going to die in here and nobody will even miss us. Before we know it, we will be shred into peaces like Kayle'

'Lynae, get a hold of yourself! We won't be killed like Kayle!' Anna shouted and her voice rang through the beach where we were walking. Her words only made more tears escape my eyes and I looked at her.

'And how do you know that?! If they killed Kayle that means they saw all of us and probably waiting for a good opportunity to kill us right now!' I screamed and threw my hands towards the forest.

Instead of answering me, she brought her arms and hugged me. I hugged her back and heard a sob by my ear which made me look at her. She was crying.

'Look what you have done. Now we both are bawling our eyes like damsels in distress' she said and I chuckled through tears.

'Sorry about that' I said smiling and we both brushed our tears away.

'Everything will work out' she said and I nod.


'But would you look at that' Anna said with a small sniffle and turned away from me with her hands on her hips. I followed her up to what she is looking at.

It was a lagoon. Super super mini lagoon. It was really close to volcano and it's crystal clear water shimmered in contrast to black volcanic earth. It was surrounded by trees and shrubs leaving almost no space for the beach to hug the body of water.

'That looks really inviting' I said and we walked to the edge of the water. It was shallow at the start, but clearly went a little bit deeper further on.

'Too bad we have no time to enjoy it' Anna said and only now I noticed the sun going down. The horizon looked like a professional painter took a brush, mixed purple, red, orange and yellow colours and brushed across the sky.

'Yeah, we better go' I said, but neither of us moved from the spot. We watched the sundown until cold wind brushed by us and reminded us of upcoming night.

'Okay, let's go. I hope the boys already has a fire going' Anna said and we turned around.

'Do they even know how to make it?' I asked and we looked at each other. We must have both imagined Allan and Jack struggling to start the fire as we both began laughing.

'I can imagine Allan running around with his butt on fire' the image of that appeared in my mind and I laughed even more.

Both laughing our asses off we came back to the helicopter and saw a flickering fire contained in a circle of stones. Both guys were sitting around and chatting, but they both turned to us when we loudly came back.

'Someone is in good mood' Allan said and we sat down next to them. Before I could reply, my stomach angrily roared and everybody looked at me.

'We need to feed the beast' I said and Jack snorted.

'Four beasts' he said and smirked.

'While, you ladies, were on a mission across the island, we actually caught us some food' Jack said and lifted four sticks with small fishes on them.

'How did you catch them without anything?' Anna asked and actually sounded surprised.

'Don't know if its the water or what, but these little guys are everywhere. With a little bit of.... reconstruction and we have a "fishing net" Jack explained with air quotes finishing net.

'Sorry, Lynae, but your cardigan's sacrifice won't go in vain' Allan said and my eyes popped out.

'You ruined my cardigan?'

'And actually caught something with it?' Anna asked on top of it.

Instead of answering, Allan and Jack smirked and high fived.

'Now you two are stuck on fishing every day so that my cardigan's sacrifice definitely wouldn't be in vain' I said and huffed.

And that was my favourite purple one as well.

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