Part 21

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I laid on my back, watching the man before me look at me like I just said the most stupidest thing in the world.

'Letting killers and rapists to gather in one place, plan their escape and next victims is better than kill them?' He asked me.

'They don't....' I began, but stopped myself before saying something really stupid and naive, but Tlaloc caught that up.

'They don't what, Lynea? Do you really think they sit around together and talk how to redeem themselves? How sorry they are for doing something unforgivable?' He pressed the topic. I knew he was right, but it sounded so weird. To listen someone talk about what is right and what is wrong while living in an island without running water or electricity.

'You simply put all of them in one place, so that you, the innocent, could calmly live your lives, but it doesn't work, does it? There are always new people that turn their lives for the worst at such a huge scale compared to here that it's clear that your system is not working' Tlaloc continued.

'There are more people than here, so of course the numbers will be higher' By that point I didn't know who or what I was defending. Tlaloc had a point and was telling me the obvious, but my mind still refused to agree with him. It looked like my mind refused anything Tlaloc said, be it the truth or the lie.

'Quantity does not affect the quality'

My mouth stayed shut. Tlaloc was still looking at me, clearly waiting for an argument from me, but his words were the ultimate truth.

'Okay, you win.' I sighed and looked away from him, feeling as if he was cutting me into pieces with his look, yet he didn't like that. My chin was grabbed and Tlaloc roughly turned my head back to him.

'Tell me you agree with me' he demanded and I frowned in confusion.

'I told you, you win' I replied, not understanding of what he wanted.

'Look me in the eyes and tell me that dealing with criminals by killing them is the correct way' he ordered while I blinked at him, still confused. But if that was what will make him get off my back then I'll do it.

'Killing criminals as their punishment is the correct way' I repeated him and Tlaloc released my chin.

'Good' he finally climbed off of me, sounding pleased with my "answer". 'The sooner you forget your old systems the better it will be for you' he added and went to the fire. I watched him take two steaming bowls.

'How do you know so much about my "old place" anyway?' I asked him dryly, but curious at the same time. Tlaloc walked to me and giving me one bowl of hot stew, sat down next to me and let out a sound that was really close to a growl and a grunt at the same time.

'You don't need to know that right now' he replied after a few seconds of silence and I frowned.

'But you can feel asured that I will be a creep' I murmured under my nose, more to myself than him, and swallowed a big gulp of stew. In the corner of my eyes I could see him looking at me, but I pretended to be interested in stew, that was heavenly, and continued eating.

While eating, I thought about of what to do next. Running away was definitely an option in my mind, but I had a feeling that Tlaloc knows the woods pretty well. But does he know another parts of the island?

My stew ran out a lot quicker than I expected and I was left with nothing to do apart of looking. I was yet feeling comfortable to roam around freely.

Suddenly, my jaw was grabbed from behind and my head flew back, locked from any movement. My eyes went wide as Tlaloc's sudden movement was out of the blue.

'I don't like your attitude, rabbit' his low voice growled by my ear. Shivers ran down my spine as his hand snaked around my torso, pulling me to his chest. When did he move behind me?!

'Care to repeat yourself?'

I stayed silent, shocked that he was able to actually hear me. Heck, I barely heard myself!

'I'm waiting' he whispered when I didn't speak for a couple of minutes. He buried his face into my neck, exact spot where he bit me, and began slowly caressing my skin with his lips.  My body froze as memory of the bitting flooded my head. I still had no idea what that was.

'Squirrel stole your tongue?' He taunted me with amusement clear in his voice.

Just when I opened my mouth to speak, I felt something sharp touch my neck. A yelp escaped my lips together with my body jumping, automatically trying to get away from Tlaloc, but his arms pulled me down mid jump.

'Sit' he growled. Something in his voice made my body freeze and stay sitting in his lap. It was as if his order could control my body.

I felt his lips touching my ear as he leaned and spoke in a very angry voice.

'Let me make one thing clear, rabbit. No one disrespects me. You like me or not, I am the leader here and you will listen to me. I order you to jump off the cliff and you will do it, understood?'

I felt my guts squeeze, but this time it was from fear. I had no control over my body, this man knew everything about America and now he is talking about driving me to suicide.

'Understood?' He growled, painfully squeezing my chin with his hand and making me whimper. I barely nod, but it wasn't good enough for him.

'Say it' he ordered and I obliged, only wanting for him to leave me alone.

'I und-derstand' I stuttered and felt him release my head. Before I could sigh in relief, my mouth was covered with his hand and my head shifted to the left.

'You still need to be punished for your words' he whispered.

Not even a second later, pain exploded in my shoulder as something sharp once again dug into my flesh. My body woke up and I began trashing around, my hands trying to push his own hand away from my torso so I could get away from him, but his grip was unbreakable. My scream was muffled by his hand while my vision blurred with tears, leaving me helpless.

I don't know how long he was attached to my shoulder, but once his hands let me go, I jumped away from him and crawled further into the fur bed, as far away as walls could. My hand automatically covered the shoulder and I could feel the broken skin and something wet trickling from the wound. My head hung low with my hair shielding my face and the view of the man, sobs quietly riging, but my ears still worked.

'Next time will be worse' his cold voice reached me followed by his footsteps, indicating that he left me alone.


Where the fuck are the updates?!?!

Uhhh.... in my head?

Sorry guys for the wait, but even my phone knows how bad the writers block is since he showed me that my story is finished. He was like "you are done here", but I'm not! This story is not even close to the mid point!

+ the uni is making me busy so, once again, I ask for patience. If not then... well... bye bye 😢

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