Chapter 1

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"Jacky, wake up babe" I shook my boyfriend, he rubbed his eyes and smiled up to me

"You look lovely what's the occasion?" I laughed at his sleepy face

"We're going to my parents for Sunday lunch so make yourself presentable" I left the room and went over to the kitchen. Me and Jacky had only just moved in to our little flat in Portsmouth England together, and there were still boxes lying around still packed from our move. I began to unpack when I felt Jacky snake his arms around my waist "Deven, can we not just stay in today?" I laughed and pushed him off  "Is that what you're wearing?" I looked him up and down, he was wearing his Poison shirt, some skinny, ripped up jeans and a hat to hide his messy hair. He nodded and I handed him one of the packed boxes "Well we don't need to be there until midday so go make yourself useful. This stuff is for the spare room"  I watched as he walked off into the hallway "Oh and pull your trousers up a little" I giggled and went back to putting knifes and forks into the draw.

I had finished unpacking so went over to help Jacky, who to be completley honest hadn't done anything he was sat on the box texting "Babeeeeeee" I moaned he looked up at me "Why haven't you done anything?" he looked over at the window and pointed

"Look I put the vase on the windowsill" i rolled my eyes and grabbed his hand 

"Come on we're driving to my Mum's" I locked up the flat and went down to my car. "Jacky who are you texting" He looked across at me as I backed out of the drive "No one just replying to some emails" he showed me his phone screen.

When we got to my Mum's I told Jacky to put his phone away "You can reply to those emails later" we got out of the car and my Mum greeted us at the door "Deven, my love how are you?" I hugged my Mum whilst my Dad and Jacky had a little joke between each other. I'm glad he got a long with my parents "Do you want a cup of tea?" we both nodded and sat down on the sofa.

"So how's the new flat?" my Dad asked us Jacky spoke first which I was thankful for 

"Yeah it's really cosy" I nodded in agreement. My Mum returned with the teas and sat in between me and Jacky. I peered over at him, he had his phone out again. He then excused himself to go to the toilet which I thought was a little suspicious seeing as he went just before we left the flat. "I'm sorry Mum he's been acting a little weird today, he's been on his phone since the minute he woke up" I sipped my tea "It's not another woman is it?" My Dad was quick to question 

"Dad if it was another woman I doubt he would ask if we could move in together" I laughed at him. It had been five minutes and he was still in the bathroom so I decided to go up and check. I bashed into him in the corridor as he stepped out of the bathroom "Jacky I need to talk to you, what are you playing at?" he looked at me

"We will talk when we get back I've got some news but I need to discuss it with you privatley" 

"Well what's it about?" he smiled

"It's nothing bad, I've been offered a job but I'll need your input" I smiled

"That's great babe" I nudged him "Finally got a job offer" I laughed knowing that he hasn't had a job in almost a year since he left his old band to spend more time with me. we went back downstairs as dinner was ready.

On the drive home I tried to get Jacky to tell me what the offer was but he wouldn't speak until we were safely home. "I don't want you to be shocked whilst you're driving" That made me worry about what this offer was actually going to be.... Pulling up we both got out of the car and walked up to the flat. Jacky shut the door behind him and hesitated to turn around "Jacky?" I questioned he then turned around and sat close to me gripping both of my hands tightly, I was really begining to worry "Speak to me!" I demanded raising my voice a little. He sighed and then told me something that shocked me  "I've been asked to join a band" I looked at him confused 

"Why was it so hard to tell me that?" he then shook his head 

"They are from America, so that would mean I'd have to move over there" I then realised what he was saying "Deven, I really want this" I gulped

"What's the band called?" I asked trying not to show I was upset. 

"Falling In Reverse, their bass guitarist Nate found me on myspace and checked out my videos and said that the lead singer Ronnie Radke want's me in the band" I looked at him shocked 

"Wait Ronnie Radke? He's in jail!" Jacky laughed 

"He'll be out in a couple of months and he really wants me in the band" I sighed 

"Please, Jacky just think about it before you make a decision, just think you'll have to leave everything behind, including me" a tear then escaped I wiped it away quickly and Jacky pulled me in for a hug, which made me cry even more. I could tell by the way he was talking he wanted to do this. "Come with me?" he questioned pushing me away to look at me

"I can't I have a job over here, there would be nothing for me to do" Jacky knew how much I loved modelling and he knows how long it took me to get into an agency over here. I got up and started unpacking another box, I don't understand why Jacky would even consider it. I mean we had just moved in together and were planning on getting married and now this. Looks like we were going to be over. 


So this is a new story I sort of came up with a few minutes ago so sorry if it's a little rushed, I hope you enjoy it.

P.S it will be very English. As I am from England hehe xxx

Leaving Home (Jacky Vincent story)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora