The Sacred Seven

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Naruto opened his eyes breathing rapidly from the nightmare.

He rubbed his forehead and tried to remember the exact theme of the nightmare but his memories scattered like ashes in the wind. He shivered when he felt a sense of forboding settle over him.

He wondered what was going on? Why he felt like something was going to happen... Only one he knew would have answers to that question is Inari but he had been rarely present with them these days.

"What is this feeling father?" He asked out loud wishing that Inari was there with him, "What is waiting for me in the unknown?"

Your destiny...

Naruto tensed and sharply looked around but no one else is in the room with him.

The wind swept past him gently and he shivered again.

Your destiny...

Naruto closed his eyes. The feeling of uneasiness never left him.


Inari stood infront of the tree of fate. Different paths created and destroyed with every choice one would make.

He closed his eyes when he felt his child's longing for his comfort.

What is this feeling father?..... What is waiting for me in the unknown?

Inari smiled softly, "Your destiny..."

His smile turned sad as he whispered again, "your destiny..."



Naruto looked up from his scroll with a smile.

"Hello Sasuke."

Sasuke looked at Kyoshiro and Uzume sparring at the other side of the training ground.

"Where is Yumiko?"

"She's taking some time off to deal with some stuff."

Sasuke raised an eyebrow at that but didn't question it any further.

"What are you doing here? Don't you have training with your team?"

Sasuke sighed and sat down beside Naruto.

"Kakashi-sensei let us go early because he had to go see the Hokage."

Naruto nodded thoughtfully, "And what else is going on? You are very worried about something."

Sasuke sighed again, no matter how good his poker face was Naruto and Kyoshiro could always tell what he was feeling. Of course, Sasuke had no idea about their emotion sensing abilities.

"I can't tell you."

Naruto simply nodded. Sasuke had purposefully sought out Naruto because being with the blonde always managed to calm him down and it also helped that Naruto never pried.

"So you want to join us for lunch?"

"Kyoshiro and Uzume will be done soon..."

Sasuke nodded at that. So Naruto smiled and went back to his scroll.

"What are you doing?" Sasuke asked curiously.

Naruto was still concentrated on the scroll as he said, "working on a new seal..."

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