Team 11 and their 'Unique' sensei

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I do not own Naruto no matter how much I wish I did.

I apologize in advance for any spelling mistakes.






The first thing Naruto saw when he came to was the white ceiling.

'So we made it.' He thought relieved. He looked to the side and saw Kyoshiro and Yumiko, all of them made it. He sighed relieved.

The nurse who was tending to Kyoshiro turned to look at him. "Oh, you are awake. I'll inform the doctor." She said with a light smile.

"Umm, can you tell me the extent of our injuries?" Naruto asked.

"Well, when you got here you all were pretty banged up, but it looked worse than it really was. The main injury you had was the half healed wound on your stomach; luckily it didn't graze any major organs. But you were completely out of chakra."

"I was what?!" for the few people who knew about Naruto's chakra capacity, that statement was ridiculous. He had nine tails worth of chakra; for crying out loud. Chakra exhaustion was something he should never have to face.

"A severe case of chakra exhaustion." The nurse said confused as to what she said wrong. Naruto shook his head and, "Sorry, am still a bit disoriented. Please continue." The nurse nodded.

"Your friends had a couple of broken and bruised ribs. Other than that and a few bruises they were fine. We have healed all of you, there's nothing to worry about. It has only been an hour since you got here."

Naruto nodded.

Out of the three of them Naruto had the most chakra, yet he got a severe case of chakra exhaustion; how? He noticed the unusual drain in his chakra when he fought, but he thought that it was a technique that drained chakra from all three of them, clearly that was not the case. He needs to wait for the others to wake up.

He looked up when he heard a commotion from outside. To his immense surprise Sasuke burst through the door frantically, followed by the nurse who had just went outside to call the doctor.

"Dob... err Naruto"

This surprised Naruto, since when did Sasuke became so, polite to him? "Sasuke?" Naruto asked in a dubious tone.

"I need your help... pl...Pl...Please."

Okay that got Naruto's attention Sasuke Uchiha never pleads; never ever.


Two hours later, Akemi Hyuga exited the surgery with a sleepy exhausted Naruto in her arms. Whatever chakra he had regained had been spent during the surgery.

Naruto, who was half conscious, saw Sasuke who stood anxiously to know about his mother. Naruto looked at Sasuke and gave thumbs up with a tired but triumphant grin. Akemi also gave him a smile; the Uchiha didn't even try to hide his relieved smile and the happy tears.


A day later, the trio found themselves inside the Uzumaki household, along with Hiruzen, Kakashi and Jiraya.

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