A Mission To Wave

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I do not own Naruto no matter how much I wish I did.


Inari Blessed


A shrill cry of an alarm rang across the clearing.

The occupants of the training ground paused in their activities and got ready to leave for the next mission.

"Wow it's already 12.30!"Yumiko announced surprised.

Naruto finished the last of his cool down exercise. Kyoshiro silently sealed back both his Katana.

"Well, come on my minions, we will first have lunch and then go get a mission from Hokage-sama."
Uzume announced with enthusiasm.

It has been like this for one and a half months. Ever since they passed Uzume's test, she had put much effort in their training. Uzume was a demanding sensei. This helped them improve, to much higher levels in the past one and half months.

On their first day of training itself, she had told them what she expected of them and what she planned to do with them.


Naruto, Yumiko and Kyoshiro stood at training ground 29 at precisely 5 AM. Uzume who was resting on a tree branch, jumped down once her genin entered the training ground.

All three of them had been surprised; it surprised them how she managed to suppress her chakra to such levels. They knew she had massive amounts of chakra, from the time she fought them during the test.

"Good, you are here on time. Punctuality is something I value very much. Making someone wait without a valid reason is equal to disrespecting them."

All three nodded in agreement.

"From today onwards we will be doing missions and training as team 11. I have a lot of expectations from the three of you and I'll not settle for anything less. As you know in six months there is going to be another chunin exam. And I plan on entering you and making sure that you make yourselves chunin."

Uzume's stern expression grew pleasant as she received three determined nods. Although surprised, the three genin took the news happily.

"I know about your individual training and your current levels are very satisfactory... here is how our schedule goes, our training starts at five in the morning. The afternoons will be spent doing D rank missions. We will do two missions a day and I will try to make them a little more... interesting for you."

They knew what D rank missions are, they had seen many genin running around cleaning up after many of their pranks, so they were not that much enthusiastic... but seeing the look on their sensei's face, maybe normal D ranks won't be so bad...

Uzume had to hold in a sadistic chuckle seeing the apprehensive look on the face of her minions.

"I will be working with each of you separately. Monday mornings, training will be for Naruto only, Tuesdays for Yumiko and Wednesdays for Kyoshiro. On those days we will meet up at Himeko's restaurant for lunch. The rest of the mornings will be for team training. After the D ranks, I'll have you spar against each other. Then you can go home and train if you want, but I want you at full energy every morning, got it? And remember, each of you will have two days without morning training, I know you will use that time responsibly," She said remembering about Naruto's training at the hospital, Yumiko's taijutsu spars with Rock Lee and Kyoshiro's kenjutsu spars with Hayate and Yugao.

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