Enemies, Fights and Plans

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I do not own Naruto no matter how much I wish I did.

Hello guys. I know I am rushing with the story a bit... but i really don't have a choice. I won't be able to continue the story for much longer, so I want to finish it soon as possible.

So i might make mistakes due to my rush. please inform me if you find any careless mistakes.

I hope you enjoy the chapter.

Thank you for all those who reviewed.




The mist was thick as they walked closer to their destination.

"We are almost there." Tazuna said with a little bit of relief.

The genin and their jonin sensei never let their guards down.

As they neared the fog cleared and sparkling blue surface of the ocean came into view. It was the first time Naruto and Yumiko had seen the ocean. Despite being mature for their age a spark of child like excitement bubbled through them at the sight of the vast blue ocean.

"Someone is up ahead." Yumiko said.

"Oh, that's just our ride." Tazuna said as a man with his motorboat came into view.

"Good to see you again Tazuna. And you have bought the ninjas with you. Are you sure they are enough?" the boatman was a little disappointed at the sight of three children and a woman.

"I am more than confident in their abilities, Kenchi." Tazuna told the man with conviction.

Soon, they were traveling across the ocean through the boat.

"Is that the bridge Tazuna san? It is marvelous." Naruto said as the mist gave way to let them view the still unfinished structure.

"Yes, that is our hope." The old man said with pride.

"So it seems that you are good for something other than being a drunkard." Kyoshiro's comment caused Tazuna to drop his head. Yumiko snickered.

Once they reached the shore Kenchi left quickly after thanking the ninja for agreeing to help.

They walked forward once again. Tazuna was becoming much more relaxed and happy as his home neared.

"Sensei!" Yumiko's alarmed whisper caught their full attention. The team tensed knowing what was coming next.

"How many?" Uzume asked.

"Two." Yumiko answered.

"Their levels?" Kyoshiro asked as he prepared to unseal Senshi and Tamashi at moment's notice.

"One is high chunin. The other one is too adept at chakra suppressing, so I assume he/she is high jonin."

"That must be Zabuza and his mysterious accomplice that the demon brothers told me about. How long till we reach them?"

"If we keep this pace up, 30 minutes." They were yet to stop walking so as to prevent tipping their enemy off. "They seem to be waiting for us."

"Good. Everyone get ready, you know the plan." Uzume spoke quietly.

"Sensei, there is one more thing... one of the chakra signatures, it feels different."

"Different how?" Kyoshiro asked.

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