Uchiha Troubles

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I do not own Naruto no matter how much I wish I did.

the editing was not done thoroughly so if make any mistakes i apologize.



Chapter 6


Naruto, Yumiko and Kyoshiro sat at the back of the class. No one had noticed them yet, except Iruka. They had arrived right when Iruka came in, and sat in the back after a quick nod to Iruka.

The trio were wondering who their teacher will be. They knew they would pass and Hiruzen had said that they would be placed on the same team as well. The only thing they weren't sure of was who their teacher will be.

Iruka had finished his speech and was calling the names of the students to take the exam. The written test was easy and all three of them made sure that they had full marks. It was when everyone went out for weapons throwing that the other students really saw the trio. Nearly all of their eyes bulged, the trio was quite good looking. Most people couldn't stop ogling.

Naruto sighed, having gotten used to these emotions whenever they had to go in public.

"So the losers are back." Kiba Inazuka said arrogantly, he had gotten over the surprise at seeing the three. Naruto was the one who was almost unrecognizable, how that midget had grown into this, they could only guess. And with the whisker marks almost invisible, it was hard to recognize him.

The only answer he got was a scoff from Naruto, a fanged smirk from Kyoshiro and an indifferent look from Yumiko.

Shin stared at the three, as always Kyoshiro was with Naruto and Yumiko. Whenever shin saw them, that bastard was with them, but that didn't stop him from ogling the object of his desire. The power he could always feel from Naruto was now absent, which confused him. (Naruto had made a seal so that none of their chakra could be sensed by those except a select few people)

Kyoshiro looked at Shin with a cool glare that clearly said to back off. Shin growled.

But Iruka interrupted by starting calling names. One by one each of them went and did the weapon throwing. So far Sasuke and Shin had highest marks, the only girl with decent marks was Hinata, but even that was not much.

Shin smirked at Kyoshiro, who in turn just ignored him. Finally when it came to the trio, most people had their jaws on the ground as all three of them scored perfect marks. They did nothing flashy but their scores were surprising enough.

"Sensei, there something wrong, those three cheated. There's no way those losers could beat Shin sama." Sakura Haruno an annoying pink midget screeched.

"Geez Haruno, stop screeching. Some of us have sensitive ears." Kyoshiro said annoyed, her screeching hadn't bothered him due to the seal Naruto had designed, but it was worth seeing the look on pinky's face.

"You... you cheater." Pinky screeched again.

"Yeah sensei, they cheated..." the rest of the Shin fan club (SFC) agreed.

Naruto was the one who answered, "So what you are saying is that we cheated to get perfect scores in weapon throwing, how exactly we cheated?"

"We don't know, but you did." Ino Yamanaka said in her great wisdom.

"That means that you are accusing us without any evidence." Yumiko drawled. "Sensei, did you see us cheat?"

Iruka and the other white haired chunin; Mizuki, who was with him, shook their head in negative.

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