The Sora Clan

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Hi, I thought I should post a few more chapters today itself because in a few day's time i won't be able to post anymore. I'll have to wait another three months before I get a chance to post again, so I am posting these chapters now itself.

Hope you enjoy this fanfiction.

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto

Corrections made on: 21/01/2019


Hiruzen Sarutobi, Akemi Hyuga and a certain dog masked anbu sat in the Hokage's office. No one spoke a word, a depressing aura suffocating them in the light of the recent discoveries.

Akemi's had no tears left to cry, she didn't care that she was a kunoichi, she just couldn't stop.

"There has to be a way. Something... anything we could do to help him Hokage-sama."
Akemi was desperate, Naruto cannot die.

"Maybe Tsunade sama..." Dog trailed off.

"I have already send anbu to find her, but we can only hope that they find her in time."

"When will Jiraiya-sama get here?" Akemi asked reigning over her agony.

"Am already here." A voice announced from the window sill.

They all looked over to the white haired pervert sitting on the window sill. Jiraiya noted the melancholy air and a spark of fear coiled in his chest, but he appeared nonchalant.

"Jiraiya I need you to check Naruto-kun's seal. Someone has tampered with the seal." Hiruzen said. The chance that Naruto will survive even if they fix the seal is low, but they weren't willing to give up hope. Naruto was their little sunshine.

"How is he?" Jiraiya asked worried about his godson.

"Barely alive." The emotionless whisper from Akemi startled Jiraiya.

"Am sure that once we fix the seal he will be fine. After all it's our gaki we are talking about; he's too stubborn to die." Jiraiya said with conviction. Even though they knew the chances were slim, at that moment they all believed Jiraiya.


Jiraiya stared horrified at the seal laid before him. This can't be happening.

He realized what exactly that bastard had done the moment he saw the changes in the seal. He read Naruto's medical reports as well, this is bad. Konoha is in deep shit, he wouldn't have cared if only the ignorant fools die but everyone will pay for the actions of one mad genius and some fools. There is only one way out of this situation but no matter what he does, his gaki was a lost cause. The utter pain in his heart stunned Jiraiya.

"Where is sensei?" Jiraiya asked the dog anbu standing beside him.

"In a council meeting. I will inform him that you need to talk with him." The expression on Jiraiya's face told him that the matter is urgent. But Jiraiya stopped him before he could go.

"No. Those bastards in the council should hear this."

Jiraiya followed by Dog entered the council chambers solemnly. Dog didn't know what was going on but he could feel the dread pooling in his stomach already.


"It is not safe to keep the boy alive if the seal has a chance of breaking." One of the civilian council members shouted.

"Yes. We of the Konoha Council call for the execution of the demon for the safety of Konoha." A smug merchant said.

The killer intent flowing out of Hiruzen made the entire council quiver.

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