Plans Of A Revenge

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This is fanfic i already have half done. I hope you like it.

And I don't own Naruto.



Michiko Masaru was a man without any aims.

He was an A class ninja, a seal master, one of Iwa's top nin. When he became a ninja it was to protect his village. Then his priorities changed with the arrival of his beautiful wife Kasumi. He loved her more than anything. She meant the world to him and that world was shattered by the one and only Minato Namikaze, the hailed yellow flash of Konoha.

She died along with his brother Masako, at the hands of the Namikaze.

He understands why the man did it. It was a war and he had to fight for his village. Masaru would've done the same in his place, but he couldn't help but resent the man. When the news of the man's death reached him, he unlike the rest of Iwa, didn't feel gleeful. Instead he felt oddly insignificant. His will to live had vanished; he wanted to kill Namikaze himself. He wanted to see Konoha fall because of himself. He couldn't live like this anymore, so he left Iwa and became a missing nin.

On the run, he visited many places fought many battles killed every Konoha nin he could but it wasn't enough. He was in Suna, when he met the young jinchuuriki Gaara of the desert, a thought snuck up on his brain and he couldn't believe that he never thought of this before. Minato Namikaze was a great man but he was still a man, there is no way, no matter how strong he had been, he could kill a bijuu, much less the lord of all bijuus himself. That meant Konoha had a jinchuuriki. He felt an almost over whelming urge to meet the child that Namikaze had chosen as sacrifice.

Sneaking in to Konoha was hard but not impossible especially with his talents in seals. A henge backed by a seal was enough to get him pass.

It wasn't hard to find the kid either, just had to follow the glares. The first time he saw the three year old kid he thought he was imagining things.

That noble hearted Namikaze, using his own son as a sacrifice. And an Uzumaki too. Guess the romantic stories of the yellow flash and the red hot habanero was not entirely wrong.

The boy was the perfect mix of Namikaze and Uzumaki. The golden blond hair and ocean blue eyes were purely Namikaze's. But the boy's personality was much like his cocky and reckless mother who Masaru had the pleasure of meeting a few time in the battle field.

Masaru sneered at the way the civilians treat the young blond. Fools despising the one they should worship.

He needed to take a look at the seal that held the Kyubi at bay, Minato Namikaze's last work. He got the chance he waited for, posing as a doctor during one of Naruto's checkups. One look was all he needed after that he copied the seal into a scroll and studied it. A wonderful piece of work, the eight trigram divination seal powered by the Shinigami, a complex Uzumaki seal, he only recognized it because he had studied Uzumaki seals for a long time. He tried but failed to fully comprehend the seal, such was the complexity of the seal.

A few things were clear though, the seal allowed the fox's chakra to enter the boy in small amounts to increase the boy's immunity to the demon chakra. It was also made to allow large amounts of demon chakra to be called upon at occasions. So Namikaze wanted his son to be a weapon for the village, a village that despised the boy. Namikaze had added fail safes to the seal, though he didn't fully understand how they would stop the bijuu if anything went wrong. There was also the little fact that if Naruto dies Kyubi dies along with him.

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