Something to Care About - 9/7/04

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Tuesday, September 7, 2004

Got a call from Lucy last night shortly after I updated.

MARK: Hello?

LUCY: Hey... it's me.

MARK: Hey.

LUCY: How are ya?

MARK: Good. [Pause.] What's up?

LUCY: Well— I was— I happened to hear that the Corcoran was starting classes soon for the fall. Some of them already started. But a couple you might be interested in are starting up next week, so I don't think it's too late to sign up...

MARK: Yeah?

LUCY: Just, like, some drawing classes. I remembered you talking about how you wished you'd gotten more into drawing and stuff when you were a teenager, and I figured, well, it's not too late...

MARK: Yeah, I guess I did say that, huh.

LUCY: They've got some Drawing 1 classes, but you might be past that, I don't know— there's figure drawing, and portraits.

MARK: Nice of you to think of me... I'm not sure I'm the artsy type, though. I was just talking out my rear when I mentioned the drawing thing...


MARK: I mean...

LUCY: Sure, well...

MARK: Not that I mean "artsy" in like a negative way or anything, of course.

LUCY [laughs, a little]: You couldn't've put up with me otherwise, yeah, I know.


MARK: How much are they, anyway?

LUCY: Well... like, six hundred. Six hundred fifty. You can check the prices on the website.

MARK: Jesus Christ.

LUCY: I guess— guess that's a lot. Anyway, I was just throwing that out there.

MARK: How's— 

LUCY: Hmm?

MARK: How are you?

LUCY: I'm fine. No debauchery for me this past weekend... we had pretty heavy rehearsals. All work and no play… but I guess when it is a play…


LUCY: Listen, I guess I'd just been thinking, wondering if you were doing what you really wanted to... that's just where my idea came from. About the classes. Just to, you know, have something to be passionate about, or...

MARK: Passionate?

LUCY: Yeah, or I don't know, I might be looking for a different word.

MARK: Guess I must seem pretty lifeless or something, then.

LUCY: No... that's not what I meant, Mark.

MARK: How's Anton doing?

LUCY: Well, you know, I don't have much more idea than anyone else these days. You know that.

MARK: He's still spending nights away?

LUCY: Yeah... wherever he goes. Over to Stew's, or maybe he's got a girlfriend now. I don't know. He’s a real charmer, that one.

MARK: Sorry.

LUCY: Well.

MARK: He should be happier now. I mean...

LUCY: I don't think it makes much difference to him. It barely did when we started, Mark.

MARK: Tell him I say hi if you see him, though.


MARK: I was kidding.

LUCY: Hey, I've got to go... have to get to bed soon. Early rehearsal tomorrow, you know.

MARK: Okay. I'll...

LUCY: Yeah?

MARK: I'll catch you later.

LUCY: Night.

posted by Mark Huntley @ 10:47 PM


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