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This was going to be the chapter, but I decided to go a different route. This would have been part one of the ending. It's far from what I would have declared as publishable. There's no ending and it kinda ends the story abruptly. But who knows, maybe the story was never really about Percy.


"You've seem to become one of my biggest mistakes, Perseus. My council voted to kill you, but I vetoed it and kept you alive. And now look what you've done!" Chaos yelled, his aura flaring.

The god of Torment and Suffering looked ready to explode in anger, but a gentle hand seemed to still his rage, if only for a moment. Standing on the tips of her toes, Andromeda whispered into the ear of Perseus, hoping to save him from undeniable death.

"They will kill you Perseus. Do not anger powers you know nothing about." The fallen princess whispered, a warning expression crossing her face.

"The only reason I have yet to intervene is because I am not directly threatened. As much as it pains my heart to watch as you murdered my child in cold blood, undoubtedly helped by the demon besides you, I am forbidden from acting." Chaos said, his eyes still alight with power. Hearing him speak, Andromeda seemed to chuckle, before fully laughing.

"Why do you laugh, demon?"

"You say how much it pains you to see your children hurt, but what about your daughter? The one you almost killed, the one you call demon." Andromeda asked, before pulling the broken circlet off her head.

The council could only watch in stunned silence as the demon before them changed before their eyes. Her obsidian black hair seemed to take on an even darker look, as if you were staring directly into the void of space. Her clothes that always seemed to be tattered, mended themselves, revealing a short, black dress, dotted with different objects that Percy thought looked a lot like planets. But none of it was comparable to her eyes. Previously just dark pits of Onxy, they now seemed to hold the brightness of a Star, captivating the Council.

"You say you care for your children, but you stripped me of my title, disowned me, and turned me into a mere immortal. Perseus is right in thinking you a hypocrite." Andromeda seethed.

"Andromeda, the fallen princess of the Stars." Nyx breathes, her hands gripping the arm rests of her throne.

"Do not think for once that father cares for you, my brothers and sisters. He is no better than the Olympian King, only fearing for his power. He will do anything to keep his throne." The princess snarled, venom dripping off her voice as she called him father.

Hearing this, many of the Primordials turned their own glares towards their father. They had all adored the princess, taking to being her older siblings, all but Tartarus, her fathers favorite.

There had been a constant power struggle between the princess and the Primordial of the pit, until finally their father cracked. In his haste, he stripped his daughter of her very being, before sentencing her to forever be forced to work under Tartarus. Along with her, came her closest friend, Apollyon. They became infused with Tartarus' domains, forever stuck as his servants until he faded.

Then, to their surprise, came along Perseus. His story, while not identical, seemed to match closely with her own, so the fallen princess immediately took to him, doing whatever she could to help him. Together, the two friends had begun to help Percy in his quest to defeat the gods, and in the process, eliminated her brother, hence forth releasing them from their prisons.

But after spending so much time in the demigod turned god's head, she had come to grow attached, preferring to stay with him, rather then enact her revenge on her father. Her reveal, in hopes of turning her siblings on her father had seemingly worked, but had also backfired.

"You... you were... I can't believe you! I trusted you! I let you inside my head! And you used me!" Percy shouted, turning and grabbing the princess by the throat. The god stood more than a few inches taller than his domain, allowing him to lift her up. "I will kill you, just like your brother." The god said, slowly squeezing the life out of her, before his eyes widened, a drop of golden ichor appearing on his lip, and he dropped her.

The princess, gasping for breath, looked up to find the man she'd come to love, skewered by her fathers sword, the black steel piercing his chest.

"I... You would... would think I would know better." Percy choked, golden ichor dripping down his chin. The creator slowly withdrew his sword, causing the god to crumble to the ground.

"He would have killed you." Chaos said firmly, trying to justify his actions. The creator was not expecting his daughter to lash out at him.

"You take everything from me, cast me out," The princess sobbed, her eyes holding both fury and disparity, "And then, you take everything new that I've come to love."

Prince of Tartarus (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now