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"Perseus! You must control it! The domains starve for your emotions, it's what feeds them. There is a cycle and you must break it." Tartarus said, trying to help his pupil with his current struggle.

"I know! You've been shouting at me for the past hour!" Percy was seething. His teacher had been hell bent on getting him as use to the powers as possible before it was too late.

"Well, If you would take my advice, then we wouldn't be here now would we." Tartarus replied, his voice calm and caring, something that almost broke Percy's concentration.

"Your focus cannot be broken. Search within yourself for your restraints, and break them. You must show the domains who is stronger. They will eat you alive Perseus, and I would hate to have to kill my own heir." The primordial said, a small smile tugging at his lips.

The two had grown inseparable in the past months, whether it be training, exploring, or damning people with punishments, they were always together.

Tartarus had developed an almost fatherly love for the new immortal. It had been a long time since he'd seen his children, much less connected with them, and Percy was a much needed help around the pit. The immortal had at first been revolted and pained by his new powers, but more recently had started to finally grow into them.

"I'm trying, but I can't find them. I've been looking for months, and I still can't find them!" Percy said, his voice slowly raising in volume as did his temper.

You see, the two domains that Percy was set to inherit, were unlike anything known to the mythological world. They survived off of the emotions given off by the host, leaving the darker ones in its wake. With Percy being as emotional as he is, the two domains had grown ridiculously in power, causing them to require more and more to 'eat'. You could almost call them a parasite.

As they turned their host into nothing more than an angry shell, they also caused unbelievable pain. Any pain inflicted by the host, was returned in due measure. If Percy were to sentence someone to never ending torture, then for the rest of his immortal life, some piece of Percy would be experiencing a torture of the worst form. The only way to fight against these parasitic domains, was to show them that they were not the ones in control, that without the host, they were nothing.

"I think that's enough for today kid, I don't need you slipping and falling even farther." Tartarus said lightly as he set his hand on the boy's shoulder.

"No! I think... just give me one more minute. I think I found them." Percy said, his fingers digging into his thighs.

Why do you fight us? We only want to help...

Right, and I'm a god. I will control you.

Oh? But why would you want to do that? Think of how the gods betrayed you, let the hate burn for them.

Stop, you aren't getting anywhere.

Think of your friends, how tired they must be of searching for you.

No, they are doing okay, I know that they are hurting but they'll get over me.

Who's to say they even care? Who's to say they ever cared?

Just get out of my head! You can't stop me.

Who says we are trying to stop you, please, go right ahead...

And just like that, Percy found his restraints. There, in front of him, stood two pillars that looked as if they had been stolen from Atlantis. Hanging between them was a beautiful sea green chain, but in certain areas, it looked as if obsidian was starting to grow off of the metal, leeching the color out of the surrounding areas. Hanging between the two pillars was a celestial bronze chain, crudely hooked to the once white pillars.

"I've found it." Percy whispered.

"Now break it, let everything go." The primordial answered.

The immortal uncapped riptide, resting the edge of the blade on the chain. Percy took a deep breath as he raised the sword, before bringing the blade down on the colored metal.

It shattered like glass.

"Its done." Percy Said with an exhausted sigh.

"Well done Perseus. You have the rest of the day off as I have some council business to attend to." Tartarus said before flashing away, presumably to his office.

"Well that was fun..." The immortal sighed again before getting to his feet. "I wonder if it'll work now..." Percy questioned, his mind drifting off to a hopeful possibility. Mustering up all the power he could, Percy tried to flash out of the pit. To his surprise, he found himself standing in a wooded clearing. The immortal relished in the colder temperatures of the over world and was delighted to find a small pond nearby.

Ever since he had become immortal, Percy had been trying to find a way out of the pit. He wanted, needed to to see Annabeth and his mom. He had left the two of them without a word and had been gone for months. The thought struck Percy harder than he though possible. Finally, he was able to see them again.

The immortal quickly thought of his moms apartment, and dashed there. When the light died down, Percy found himself in the familiar kitchen where his moms legendary cookies were made. Taking a look around, Percy instantly spotted a plat of said cookies, which he helped himself to.

"Percy?" An older feminine voice asked from behind him. The immortal slowly turned around, a cookie in mouth and hand.

"Hey mom." He replied, mouth full of cookie. The immortal teen was crushed in a hug that almost made him question just how immortal he was. After a few moments, the woman released her bear grip on the teen before stepping back, tears in her eyes and a pained look on her face.

"Where have you been? Do you know how long its been?" Sally whispered, her voice steadily rising, "Five years Perseus! I haven't heard from you in five years, your father wont answer me, and nobody from camp has any answers!"

Percy paused. He'd entirely forgotten of the time differences between the mortal world and the pit. For him it had only been a few months, for everyone else it had been years. The teen quickly spend the next few hours catching up with his mom in a very tear filled reunion. Eventually all good things must end though.

"I'm sorry, but I have to go now, I still need to visit camp." Percy said, a small smile coming to his face.

"Of course, but you need to promise me that you won't disappear anymore! I can't keep losing my baby." Sally said sternly, her eyes glistening again. "And remember to come back later so you can see Estelle!"

"I promise mom, I'll come around again when I have some free time. I'm sorry for worrying you." Percy said before flashing away.

When he reappears, the new god found himself on the top of half-blood hill. Almost instantly, he took off towards the Big House, hoping Chiron was there. As he jogged towards the structure, he noticed some of the yelps of surprise and some looks of what looked like confusion, and even some of fear.

The god could understand the surprise and fear, after all, he had gained a multitude of new scars and even some burns due to how his domains worked.

Percy knocked heavily on the Big House door, before it was opened by an annoyed looking Chiron. The angry aura given off by the trainer of heroes was quickly changed to surprise as he registered who stood in front of him.

"Percy... your alive? How is this possible..." Chiron whispered, shocked to the core.

"What do you mean? I never died, I've just been in Tartarus." The god said lightly, a grin crossing his scarred face.

"The gods came down from Olympus, they told us that you had been thrown into Tartarus, and that you were dead." Chiron replied, coming back to his senses. "The campers are going to be so excited to see you, as will your... well you'll see." The centaur said with a smile. "It's been years since you left."

"Yeah, a lot has happened, and I don't really know how long I can stay." Percy said, a look of sad acceptance on his face.

"What do you mean Percy? Camp Half-Blood is your home."

How could such a place be his home, when he was the up and coming embodiment of the pit, something that every living demigod feared. He had no right to call this place home.

Prince of Tartarus (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now