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Percy vaguely remembered something about Annabeth saying that it took nine days to fall from the mortal world to the pit. When the two of them had fallen together, the time had seemed to fly by as they planned their way out. Now? Percy felt even lonelier than he had at camp, and it felt as though years had passed since he'd been cast down.

The demigod could feel the air around him slowly start to heat up, quickly getting to the point of being almost unbearable. The deafening roar of the wind shooting past him as he fell, seemed to disappear as the hole he was plummeting through opened up into an enormous cavern. Angling  himself so he could look down, Percy searched the reddish lands in hopes of finding a river to ease his fall.

His hopes were instantly raised as he found a seemingly large pool of water below him, where the five different rivers of the underworld met together. Percy was extremely glad for the water, but at the same time, his hopes were crumbling as he realized what would happen once he hit. He would have to overcome not just one, but all five of the rivers curses. It would be a miracle if he managed to get out alive, an even bigger miracle if he retained his memory.

With the pool of water quickly approaching, Percy decided to do the smart thing and listen to his instincts. He could feel the pull in his gut as he watched the water start to drift upwards, as if grasping for his falling body. The moment his flailing limbs hit the ice cold water, the liquid quickly threw itself to the side, jettisoning the demigod onto the beach of shattered glass.

Percy felt as if his world had collapsed, rebuilt, and then burned all around him. The five rivers having each done their part to the demigod: The Styx bringing immeasurable pain, but hopefully the curse of Achilles. the Lethe doing its best to wipe his memories, leaving the demigod with a dumbstruck expression quickly clouded over by pain. Then there was the Acheron, making the pain from the Styx look like candy when in comparison. The Phlegethon, giving the ability to survive in the pit, and yet setting the Percy's skin ablaze. And finally the Cocytus, enhancing all of the demigod's feeling of sorrow and despair.

Percy had been in the pit for less than a day, and yet everything had already gone to Hades. Seemingly half awake, the son of Poseidon did his best to drag himself away from the poor of water. The shattered glass that lay underneath of him, reaching up to cut and mar the boy's legs and arms.

Once far enough away, the demigod pulled himself up into a sitting position against a rock, whimpering at how much pain he felt. The fire from the Phlegethon, along with the shattered glass had left the demigod looking as if he had just gone through hell, which in all ideas of the phrase, couldn't be closer to the truth. The boy still had so much more to go. His clothes were little more than tattered rags hanging off of his blackened skin, while his shoes were nowhere to be seen. Thankfully, riptide, seeing it had nowhere else to store itself, appeared in Percy's hand, which he had thanked the gods for.

So wrapped up in the pain he was working through, the demigod failed to notice the presence of several beings that were making their way towards him.

"Ah, and so it seems that you've finally done it, Perseus. What was it that caused them to break and turn on you?" Someone said, an audible grin in their voice. "Did you get too powerful? Or maybe you were too much of a snot? Or maybe they just never liked you in the first place. After all, if I was handed a mortal who could defeat my enemies and held an undying loyalty to me, of course I'd use them until they finally out ran their use, just like what happened to you, sea spawn."

"Like anybody would ever hand you anything. You'd be too much like brother, and would just eat it out of fear." Another more feminine voice said with a small chuckle.

Prince of Tartarus (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now