"What is he going to do with Alex?" Maryse asked.

"They are probably going to have sex" Isabelle answered.

"And after?" My adoptive mother questioned.

"Who knows?" I replied honestly.

Alec POV

Sparks ran up and down my body, Magnus' magic was pouring into my body. Everywhere his body met mine I could feel his energy seep into my body.

"Magnus. I've missed you, I've missed you so much. I tried to tell myself that I didn't but I missed you" I told him, clutching his body to mine.

"Why did you leave me? You've broken me" he asked, his voice shaky.

"I'll tell you but not here. Can you take us to your place?" I asked.

Magnus nodded, his nose skimming up and down my neck, sending shivers all through my body. Magnus moved one hand off of my back. Then Magnus was pushing me backwards. We fell into the portal.


Magnus claimed my lips and pushed his tongue inside of my mouth. I moaned and bucked my hips into his. He moaned against my lips and reciprocated the action.

"Please Magnus. I need you more than I need air" I told him as I pushed off his trenchcoat and began unbuttoning his shirt.

"I know you are going to leave me after this" he told me, his breathing already ragged.

"My people are my people Magnus. It doesn't change how much I love you, it just changes what I have to do" I replied.

"I love you but you are breaking me" he said.

"It hurts me too" I told him.

"I am getting the worst of it. I am not breaking your heart and shattering your soul. You are doing that to me" he responded.

"I'm so sorry Magnus. I wish it was different" I said.

"But it's not. So I'm going to make this worthwhile" he replied and slammed our lips back together.

We left a trail of clothes to Magnus' room. Magnus ran a hand through my hair and the backs of my knees hit the edge of the bed.

Magnus' cat eyes were on full display. Magnus looked at me like I was food he was ready to devour. His eyes scanned my body and took him my completely naked state.

"One more time we share the same bed" he said and pushed back me onto the bed. Magnus climbed up and hovered above me. Pure lust filled his widening slit pupils, his beautiful eyes glowing in the dark.

We kissed roughly, a kiss full of teeth and tongue. My hands slid over Magnus' broad shoulders and I let my nails scratch down his back. Magnus arched his back and purred in deep voice.

Everytime he touched me, everytime our skin made contact a thousand sparks flew throughout my body. It made this experience even more enjoyable. Especially with his fingers skimming my inner thighs.

Magnus began placing sucking kisses on my thighs and hip bones while he prepped me. I let out whimpers, knowing he was leaving marks on purpose.

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