Scene 4 - Pursuit

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A fairly deserted road, hardly enough to contain many cars around. In fact, there are no cars around whatsoever, more of a dead-end with a decoration of nothing else but tree after tree after tree. Except for one unmarked, black saloon, sitting parked up by the kerb. Sat inside is an ugly, sour-looking man at the wheel of the car, smoking his unhealthy cigars. Bored and tired. Sticking on the radio and playing a random track from Barry Gray's excellent music, like that Formula Five piece from Fireball XL5. Then, without warning, Spencer bursts from the trees, dragging the remains of his failed mission with him, in such a hasty rush. Obviously scared and frightened for failing and being hunted down for by the law. Once by the saloon, he chucks his machinery into the back and slams the door behind him, panting in fear.


Turn that music off.

Barch turns off the sound.


You are late. What kept you?


Just drive for Christ sake!

The car then sets off onto the main road.


Obviously it sounds like your mission didn't go so well, again.


I did everything that we were trained.


So why didn't it go as planned Spencer? Having failed one mission is unfortunate enough, but failing two missions certainly needs looking into. The boss isn't going to like that.


Alright Barch, stop that! The drone malfunctioned or something. But whatever happened to it, it made the bomb fall and explode before I could even get near the target.


Is the drone alright?


I think so, it still flies alright as it did. Maybe it was a gust of wind or something.


A gust of wind? Do you think the boss will approve of that?


I don't know anymore. Come to think of it, I wonder what did cause the drone to go crazy like that.

The drone still has the tracker attached to the side of its metal. Small, magnetic, colourless, it is carefully hidden away from both men. Now, the saloon has just entered a far busier road, obviously the main road it has turned onto. However, down the road, a little bit is another black, unmarked car. Travelling not too fast, but fast enough to keep up behind the first saloon, but just enough to keep out of range of it. Blake is in the driver's seat and is in pursuit of the terrorists. Even if he loses the car, he can still track them with the tracer sat in the opposite seat to him. Now, it is only a matter of time. The cars both head off into the night.

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