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||The Pranksters||
Jungkook x fem!twin!reader ✭


It was actually on my way to my therapy appointment yesterday that I thought of this and they way I pictured it in my head was just way too fucking cute so here I am 😂


You don't know how it started, but you and your twin, Jungkook, or Kookie as you call him, are weeks into your ongoing prank war. The last pranked you pulled on him, was when you made brownies for BTS, but you put laxatives into the one brownie that you gave your twin. It was during a dancing practice that they had to constantly stop because Jungkook kept on excusing himself to go to the bathroom. You laughed your ass off after seeing your twin pass you on his trips to the bathroom, because as he was passing you, you covered your mouth to be sure that he didn't see the corner of your lips curve up as you felt a laughing session coming on. You lied and said that you've had a really bad sore throat, and you've been hit with a wave of coughs for the time being. Thankfully, he bought it for most of the time, but it was during one of his last sessions to the bathroom that he overheard you telling J-Hope and Jimin about what you did. You had to reassure all of them that their brownies weren't laced with laxatives, and that only your twin's was. Some of the members were initially a little annoyed at you for making Jungkook stop the practices a lot, but they all quickly found humor in the situation.

You thought you got him good, but oh boy was he going to get you a lot better.

A couple of days have actually passed since the day of your prank on your twin, and you initially calmed thinking that he stopped because of that prank, but you didn't let your guard down totally.

The day he played his prank on you, was a day that you had the house that you and the members of BTS shared to yourself. You sat in the living room snuggled under a blanket as you sat watching one of your favorite horror movies, and so your nerves were already kind of frazzled, but when the weird shit started to happen, did that freak you out.

The boys had told you that they were going to go to one of those game show thingies for publicity, but in reality, they were doing nothing like that.

One by one, the seven members entered the house as quietly as they could. They all had to keep their snickering down, because if you heard them, then it would be game over before the game even started, but thankfully for them, you didn't hear them enter or any of their laughter.

It first started with random little knocking noises throughout the what you thought was empty home, which had you brushing it off as something in the house settling, or the wind, or maybe even some random small creatures crawling in the walls, or something normal like that, but then when a loud knock reverberated throughout the home, you were more scared than you thought you would be from watching a horror movie.

The loud knocks happened about once a minute or so, and they happened maybe five times until you were creeped out enough to go and check.

Just as you were reaching the area you thought the knock came from, another knock was heard at the opposite end of the house. You whipped your head in the direction you heard the knock come from as your heart beat picked up rapidly. You shook your head and convinced yourself that it was just your mind tricking you, so you went back to the living room only to find all the lights off, with the TV being off too.

You raced towards the nearest light switch, only to discover that it wasn't working. You tried to desperately flick on and off the light, but even that couldn't fix the problem that it wasn't turning on.

BTS (방탄소년단) x reader oneshots ✭Where stories live. Discover now