I miss the stupid things that we do

Start from the beginning

"I would prefer formal shoes. They make one look powerful when paired with the right outfits" Seungcheol says. Jihoon chuckles softly. This time Seungcheol did a mini victory dance in his head.

"So you never wore them huh" Jihoon teases.

"Never in my life" Seungcheol agrees. Jihoon laughs. They are walking around the park, wandering aimlessly, no destination in mind. Like they used to when they had nothing to do and all their friends are busy. Well Seungcheol's friends are busy and Jihoon has to escape Junhui. Jihoon seriously Sounders if Junhui has an off button sometimes. The boy never stops moving

"I read somewhere that C-O-M-P-U-T-E-R Stands for Concerned On Making People Use Technology Effectively Right" Seungcheol says and Jihoon chokes back a laugh "Or is it Efficiently Right?"

"Either way, that's not true. Where did you read that?" Jihoon asks laughing. Seungcheol shrugs. He is happy that Jihoon is willing to ignore what happened between them and just hangout with him like old times, like nothing happened. Although it's hurts him to think that Jihoon is putting so far behind him whilst he can't seem to get Jihoon put on his head, he ultimately misses hugging him, holding his hand, Caressing his soft cheek or kissing him, basically just being with Jihoon- He should really stop. Descretely he shakes his head to be rid of he unwanted thoughts.

"It is! Papers don't lie" Seungcheol says and Jihoon laughs again. This time it's a shocked laugh. The one he gives when his is caught off guard and is trying to cover it up. Like the time Seungcheol told him about his crazy obsession for animes. Seungcheol swears he never saw Jihoon laugh as much as he did that night.

"Oh my god, You never seize to amaze me"

"I amaze me too"


Seungcheol is grinning. Joshua is confused. Vernon and Seungkwan are trying to comprehend what he is talking about and Hoseok is laughing at them.

"What do you mean you had the best date ever?" Seungkwan asks. Seungcheol, usually, after spending the afternoon with Mark, comes back to Joshua's with a frown and he stays in a sour mood. The boys have to put him in a good mood and they fail most of the time. But Not today apparently.

"You spent the afternoon with Mark right?" Joshua asks and Seungcheol's eyes widen and his smile falls off his face. Then he is cursing.

"Fuck" Seungcheol repeats the word over and over again as he pounds on his knee. He wasn't thinking about Mark, He was not thinking about Mark. "Oh my god" He whisper out frantic. Why was he not thinking about Mark? How was he not Thinking about Mark? In fact when did he stop thinking about Mark that day? Oh, that's right, When Jihoon appeared.

Jihoon is all he was thinking about. "Fuck"

"What is happening?" Hoseok, who finally calmed down asks. Seungcheol looks angry, but not angry at himself.

"Cheol?" Vernon puts his hand on his hyung's shoulder. Seungcheol snaps out of his reverie and looks at the boys in the room. "Want to tell us what all that was?"

"I didn't spend the afternoon with Mark" Seungcheol admits. I spent it with Jihoon and it was the best fucking afternoon I have had in three months and it made me realize that I miss Jihoon, more that I should. He wants to add all that but they are just going to look at him with grins and yell 'I told you so' in his face and that won't help how bad he is feeling. It really won't.

"You didn't?" Joshua asks and Seungcheol slowly shakes his head as if he too is just realising it. And he is. "That explains the smile really" Seungcheol wants to roll his eyes but he just can't be happy at the moment.

The Lee Brothers: Jihoon's HealingWhere stories live. Discover now