In a second, he yanked off my Towel, pulled out his belt and placed his dirty cock inside my asshole. I screamed out but he was not paying any no attention to me, all he kept doing was to fuck the daylight out of me in a rough way, I was in so much discomfort but he did not care, he never did.

I knew this was to be my fate when he married me. screaming in pain I did, as he proceeded to shut my mouth forcefully with his hands. He was cruel, possessive, and demanding. After 40mins of immense pain, he left me. Like a log of wood I was laying there with no movement, I was in pain, this was not the dream I had for my life.

Trying to get my strength I proceeded because I was not going to give him the satisfaction of seeing me defeated. I struggled to sat up on the bed, tear flowing uncontrollably.

I got up from the bed, picked up the towel, and went straight to where my bag was placed, it was a good thing it was unpacked yet because I did not want to stay there for another minute. Suddenly, his wet presence was noticed in the room, I glanced at him only to see him coming right at me. I tried walking a little faster but he held onto my left hand and drew me to his wet body. He proceeded to hold onto my arm with a tight grip, his lips smashed unto mine in the most disdainful way possible. 'He hated me.'

"Happy married life." He whispered to my ears, those words sent shivers into my skin, I had a feeling I needed to get used to this as quickly as possible. He let go of me forcefully which had me losing a bit of balance, perplexed at his words of venom, in that moment I turn my back to escape from him, even though it was for a day.

He grabbed my hand again "I am not done with you yet, I mean..." he started but I was already fed up, all I wanted was not to be around him at that moment but he was making it so difficult.

"Fuck you Mccall," I said loudly, However, that for me into more trouble. "Hey, hey, hey.  Do not piss me off the more," he yanked me out of his grip drawing my fate to the ground with my butt against the ground forcefully. In pain I cried, staring at him as he headed towards the dressing room.

He left. It was a good thing.

"and hey, I have to get to work, your dad would be waiting to take orders from me because he was born for it, make sure you prepare dinner before I get back from work am I clear" All I did was nod, I mean I had no choice and I did not want to sustain any further bruises.

I managed to get up from the floor my waist still hurt together with my butt to top it all the rough sex he gave me I could sense that I would die in this place called a home I got out of the room, and headed to the room far end of the hall way. As my feet kept moving forward, all I could think of was home, how I missed my dad and mom.

Standing in front of the black door I did for a few seconds before pushing it open. I dropped by bag immediately and headed to the bathroom.

I felt disgusted.

The warm water coming out of the shower hit my skin, memories flashing into my head, my feet could not muster the courage to stand so I sat on the bathroom crying.

After spending an hour in the bathroom crying and weeping remembering the day that stupid muderfucker fixed that ring of his into my hands, remembering how he raped me with no care.

My mum warn me same as my dad, but what could I do we where at the edge of the cliff, I got out of the bathroom combed my hair, and brought out my joggers and my singlet, I layed on the bed, to feel comfortable on the king bed, at least the guest room had a king bed. I tried getting some sleep but it was not forthcoming. Hence I had no opinion but to head to the kitchen to make some breakfast and lunch for Mccall.

McCall POV.

I regretted doing that to him, but he deserve it, even though his father where to be blame I should not have dragged him into this. He was my husband, however, any time I see him I feel like killing him because he reminded him of how his father stoled 200 billion from my dad and sold it off to a drug cartel.

By doing this, it led to my fathers heart attack which caused him his death a death none of the family was ready for.

Coming back from Canada to attend the barrier of my father, I vowed to make sure his murderers will wish thru died with him. Hence, when I saw the opportunity at my fingertips I decides to make do with it.

Jesse was a fine man. I did have a crush on him while we were boys. However, I was not given the chance to make do with the feelings I had for him.

On getting to the house I was embraced by the smell of Jesse cooking. I masked up my smile so as to not make him think he is having a soft spot in my heart.

I walked into the kitchen and went straight to the dinner table, sat down to eat, wow the food taste so good but I did not want to give him any compliment of sort, "How does it taste ?" well the food taste.... Angry at the sound of his voice I pushed the plate aside and head to my room, 'I will get down to eat the food when he is asleep

I got to my room, locked the door, and lay on my bed.

Jessy POV.

That stupid muderfucker how can he do this to me, I tasted the food and it wasn't bad I made sure I took my time in preparing this, but what did I get, some random tantrum I hate this murderfucker I cannot believe I signup for a 3 years marriage contract.

Sighing, I tidy up the kitchen, took some bowl of pasta and fruit drink, and went straight upstairs. On getting to my room, I thought of checking up on Mccall seeing that he refuse to eat any food. I was about to knock on his door when he came out of the room in only but a nightwear trousers. "Young man, do not ever knock on my door unless I say so now go to your bedroom and sleep" he said, giving me a fake smile which was weird. I did as I was told.

I got into my room and locked the door.

He can die for all I care.


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