Zhang Li and Shen Ming looked at each other again. Look like they no longer discussed about their relationship now.

Shen Ming sighed and reached out to pat Yue's head, "Well, then do you think that you can trust him again or not? Trust is an important foundation of a lasting relationship. If you can no longer bring yourself to trust him, you know it's time to put a stop to that relationship. Be honest with yourself, and be honest with him."

"Not everyone deserves a second chance, baobei."


Dylan watched the tiny woman in front of him sighed for the Nth time since she came to visit him. Shen Yue was very strange this evening. She seemed to have something in her mind, and he didn't have a good feeling about that.

"Yue, what's wrong?" Dylan asked with concern.

Shen Yue finally looked at him intently, as her parents' words came to her mind again, 'Be honest with yourself. Be honest with him.'

"Before the accident, you said you want to talk, right?" she started, "What is it that you want to talk about?"

Dylan was a little taken aback by the topic. Why did she suddenly bring this up? But now that she brought it up, he might as well talk about that.

"Well, about that, where should I begin?" Dylan started.

"From the beginning, I suppose?" Shen Yue replied.

"Well, one thing that you have known already is that Dylan Wang is my alternate identity," Dylan took a deep breath and looked at her, "My real name is Wang He Di, and we both were supposed to be introduced to each other at a dinner arranged by our parents, but you ran away that day." He chuckled at the memory, and so did she.

"At that time, I was furious. I thought, 'Who does she think she is? How could she embarrass me like that?' That day I swore that I would make you pay for that", He shook his head as he reflected on his thought that time, "I kept looking for you, but my mother kept blocking my plan. She wanted to protect you from my stupid revenge. However, universe was on my side. That day I came to the Beijing Hotel to meet you, but I didn't realize that the small woman who fell on me was you until we were introduced ot each other."

Dylan laughed, while Shen Yue was blushing.

"I was so blinded by my anger at that time that I kept giving you work and made you suffer, but it never broke you. I kept waiting for you to explode, but you kept accepting the tasks with your beautiful smile. Your dedication, your kindness, and your innocence were driving me insane. As days passed, I was so frustrated when I saw you getting bullied, when you got injured and when you got sick. I was restless when you were not in the office with me."

"While I was caught up with my frustration, I didn't realize that I was slowly falling in love with you."

Dylan then reached out to wipe a drop of tear that was falling on Yue's face with his thump.

"Everything I did and everything I said back then when we were together were genuine. Wang He Di loves Shen Yue and always will."

"Then that day came. I am sorry that that day I didn't trust you enough. I am sorry that I walked away from you when you needed me the most. When I realized what I had done and came back to find you, you were already gone. I was looking for you everywhere until your parent told me that your brother took you away, so I went to him."

"Oh, so it was my brother who sold me out," Shen Yue giggled with tears on her face.

Dylan couldn't help but smile at her remark as well.

"Well, true, but he didn't help me without giving me a warning and a punch first. He really loves you."

Shen Yue could only smile at that.

"That day when you walked away and told me to stay away, my universe suddenly disappeared because you are my universe."

"Since that day, I could only silently watch you from a far. I was afraid that if I reached out, you would run away again. But now that you're here," he then reached for her hands, "I love you, Shen Yue. It has never been a lie and will never be."

Shen Yue smiled and hugged Dylan. He was taken aback, but he slowly returned her hug.

"Thank you for being honest with me, Wang He Di," Shen Yue whispered. Dylan couldn't but smile. That was the first time he heard her call him by his real name.

"Can you do me a favor?" She suddenly whispered.

"I can never say no to you, Shen Yue," Dylan chuckled.


"Promise," he ensured her, but somehow he didn't feel good about this.

Shen Yue then slowly let go of him and looked straight into his eyes.

"Let's break up, Dylan."


Did I just double update today? Yes.

Did I just make them break up? Yes. *Don't kill me*

Have anyone thought that Yue would make this decision? ^^"

This chapter is more like a filler chapter, but it is important to shift the direction of the story to a particular ending that I have in mind since I started writing this story. XD If anyone wanna guess what the ending may be, there's a small hint in this chapter. That's all I can say.

Also, this chapter is supposed to be a part of another chapter, but it was too long, so I decided to break it apart and get this uploaded first, so NO, the next chapter is not the ending yet.

That'sall for today! Thank you for reading! Until next time, take care!  💜💛

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