"You and Roger. Has something ever happened between you?" He asked. You shook your head

"Of course not, he's just a really close friend. I think I'm going to get the tiramisu, what about you?"

You hoped he would stop talking about that. What exactly was he accusing you of?

He looked down at his plate and softly smiled. But it was more of a knowing smirk.

"Alex?" You asked "Is there something you wanna say? Then just say it to my face"

"It's just strange why they would keep you around, I mean you're not exactly an amazing lawyer. You used to be a mediocre psychology student at most, how did you get in with the band?"

You dropped your fork at that and stared blankly at him. Was he being serious ?

"I hope you're joking" You spoke, and suddenly lost all your appetite.

"My brand has been interested in Queen for a long time. They're too arrogant to set up a meeting with" He explained, but you still didn't understand any of his implications.

"So you were wondering if I could get you a meeting with the band? If that's what you wanted, you should have just told me from the get go. Why set up a fucking fake date?" You asked him, lowering your voice because after all you were in a public place.

"Oh come on. Stop jumping to conclusions and don't pretend like you're hurt" Alex said, and he looked genuinely confused.

"Of course I'm hurt. You showed up out of nowhere, took me out on two dates and you now you want me to get you a contract or whatever with Queen? You're literally using me, do you expect me to be happy?" You said, leaning forward.

"Like you didn't use Roger to get close to the band?" He asked, amusement on his face.

"Excuse me? I don't know what you're talking about" You said, your patience getting the most of you.

"It's perfect really. You were in the newspaper a few days ago with the boys. But you knew that right? Being a groupie has its advantages" He said and somehow every word out of his mouth hit you. You had never had someone so blatantly accuse you of something as absurd as this.

"And on what basis are you saying this?" You said and then realized it was futile to argue "But that night..." You were referring to the first night you had met him and you had almost made out. The one that made you feel like he was genuinely interested in you.

"Oh, I was drunk, could you blame me ? You're hot. I got sidetracked" Alex said and he looked so relaxed that it made you want to throw up. He was speaking as if you were still discussing pie recipes.

"Can you take me home?" You asked, deciding arguing wasn't worth this.

"And why would I do that? Our date isn't over. We haven't even gotten dessert" He said and you realized that no matter how he had meant that, you felt sick to your stomach. You were so surprised by this turn of events that you had no idea how to even process this.

"I need to go" You said suddenly and got up, grabbing your purse. Alex looked surprised that you got up and looked at you in confusion.

"Are you seriously going to leave ?" He asked "How do you plan on getting home ?"

"I'll figure something out" You said, trying to regain your composure. You really did not want to cry in front of him. Your first genuine date in years and it was a disaster.

"Thank you for the date" You spoke, with as much dignity as you could muster. You really didn't want to look at him ever again.

"Oh come on" Alex said, getting up with force and you stepped back "Thought you were supposed to be easy"

"Just...shut up" You said, looking down. If you made eye contact with him, you might have screamed at him him and its good you didn't drink too much or you might have punched him.

"Fine, suit yourself" He said and you began walking away and you heard him mutter a swear under his breath but you genuinely didn't care anymore.

You felt tears stinging at your eyes and you hurried out of the restaurant.

You stood outside the place, leaning against a brick wall for the longest time. You had your head against the wall and breathed.

What a fucking disaster.

It was getting late and you were barely clothed. There's no way you could get home on your own, especially because you didn't even know the way back. You looked at the payphone across the road and made your way to it.

Roger flipped Kristina onto the couch and unbuttoned her shirt. She moaned out loud as he left a trail of kisses down her chest. The film they had begun watching was still going on and they were too caught up in the act to shut it off.

She reached for his belt buckle and Roger realized his phone was ringing.

"Wait, wait" He said and got off Kristina.

"No" She said, pulling him back down.

"I got to get the phone" He explained and got off the couch. He made his way to the phone and looked back at Kristina as she groaned in disappointment. She took off her shirt and beckoned him back.

"Hold on babe" He told her and picked up the call.

"Roger?" The voice on the other end was faint and it took him a moment to realize it was Y/N.

"Roger?" You asked again, holding the phone close to your ear.

"Y/N?" His voice came through on the other end after a beat "What's wrong?"

"Can you-Can you come get me?" You asked, holding back your tears.

You expected him to ask you a question or multiple but the next thing he said was "Where are you?"

You told him the address of the restaurant and got out of the payphone. You had no idea why you called him first. Freddie, Brian or Deaky would have just as easily come.

Roger noted down the address and hung up, worry filling his mind. He had no idea what was wrong.

"Who was that?" Kristina asked, leaning back on the couch.

Roger stared at the address one more time before looking up at Kristina.

"Y/N" He replied.

"Obviously" Kristina said "What happened?"

Roger ignored the distaste in her voice and said "I need to go get her"

"What? Now? It's almost 11" She said.

"Yeah" Roger answered and buttoned up his shirt and his pants. He grabbed his socks off the floor and sat on the couch, slipping them on.

"Baby, don't go. It's so cold outside, why can't she just take a cab or have Deaky pick her up? He's obsessed with her anyways" She whined, putting her hand on his shoulder.

"She called me, Kristina. I'm going to go get her. If you have a problem with waiting, I'll see you tomorrow" He said, slipped on his shoes and got up.

"I don't understand why you do this for her" Kristina mumbled, fiddling with her buttons and Roger gave her a look. He grabbed his car keys and looked at her as he opened his apartment door.

"Show yourself out" He said and left.

Falling Slowly ⤖ Roger Taylor [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now