Number 44

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You pass the border hesitantly. The patrol mimicks your movements and slows down. Cloudstar pads to your side and whispers, "Are you ready? You might encounter some friends in the battle."

You growl, "They are no longer my friends! I will be willing to kill my own sister for what they did to Flameclan!!"

Cloudstar nods and steps back. He follows behind you as you lead the battle patrol through the twoleg alleyways.

You prick your ears at the sound of rustling but find it's only a rat. The patrol lets out a sigh and you continue on.

"Bloodstained Stalkers, ATTACK!!!"

You jump in suprise at the sound of a battle yowl and you see Flame pounce on Cloudstar. Countless other rogues hurl themselves at your patrol and you find yourself being squashed between two cats.

You lash out at the haunches of one of the cats and he screeches angrily before turning to you but before he attacks he stiffens. "Fang? Is that you?"

"Father?" You growl. "Still loyal to the killers I see." You tackle your father and knock him over.

The large tom hisses, "Stop! You can still rejoin us, Fang!!"

"That is no longer my name!!" You scream and land a hard blow to his spine, killing him.

You take a step back and close your eyes, shaking.

"Duskshadow watch out!!" You hear Ebonylight screech but she's too late.

The cat had already bit into your kneck.

You let out a high-pitched squeal of pain and fall to the ground in a gasping heap.

"NOO!!" Ebonylight yowls and races to your side.

You take one last breath before blackness took over.


You died, go back to the beginning and restart your journey.

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