Number 24

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You run to Cloudstar for help.

You tell him everything.

He dips his head to you and thanks you for your bravery and strength in following the rogues.

He sends out a battle patrol to kill the rogues for what they had done.

*time passes*

You wait by the fresh kill pile for the battle patrol to return.

They finally arrive but the sight you see if horrible.

They won, but at a great cost.

The whole of your patrol is dead along with 3 warriors from the battle patrol.

The clan is devastated and scared.

You've lost 8 cats in one day.

Only 16 cats remained, 4 of which were elders, 3 were kits, 1 was a queen and 2 medicine cats. Then it was you, Cloudstar and 4 warriors.

Flameclan was weak and frightened. And if the other clans found out, they would attack and Flameclan would be no more.



If you help your clan by joining the hunting patrol, then continue with number 23.

If you rest so that you are stronger for the next day, go to Number 13.

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