Chapter 19 - Evil Intentions

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Previously, On How You Met Your Ancient Star-head Husbando:

He is not our Pharaoh, an imposter. He raises his hand in your direction grinning devilishly to you.

"Come to me, my Queen."

You couldn't stop yourself from moving forward towards the man.
He was completely different to the pharaoh we have known for a short amount of time but...
it was like you were in a trance, you moved so much now that some ghostly figures noticed your presence as well.

Yami's POV:
I felt confused, I realised (y/n) possibly had some connection to my life, but, what I'm seeing now, almost seems like it could be more than just friends to her. Even if I don't remember anything that happened in the past, I believed I would have at least a kind behaviour than looking at her like that. The feeling of this flashback didn't seem right, it was off, and it's something I will consider if it happens again.

You continued to step closer to this pharaoh figure until you managed to arrive right by his side. The pharaoh checked your body and smirked, he placed an arm around your waist and moved you closer to his side. He spoke gently but with power, "My beautiful Queen, I'm in need of you assistance." You gasped as he kissed your cheek, making your face a little red.

The pharaoh then turns towards his opponent and stretches his arm out towards them, his figure looking ever so dominant and powerful compared to his rather short height. He commands, "I call upon the most powerful monster to ever exist, with my Queen by my side, I unlock the power to summon an Egyptian God!" His outstretched arm points towards the sky,
"Come forth, Winged Dragon of Ra!"
The surrounding starts to light up, room filling with a blinding light as the golden, metallic-like bird emerges and spreads its wings towards their opponent. You look up towards the monster and feel it's gentle warmth. Though menacing, the monster feels more like a closest friend/pet. However, the pharaoh unlocked a power that was like your soul, which now is starting to slowly drain you from your own source of energy.

You look towards your King and notice his eyes have no intention for good, they look as if they are wanting nothing but power, which can cause massive amounts of destruction. Evil Intentions. You look at him and know that this isn't the man you known in your visions, the man you met when coming to Japan.

He was not your Pharaoh.

You couldn't stand to look at him, trying to get out from his grip, the evil pharaoh only pulled you closer to him. "Now my Queen, Guardian of the Winged Dragon of Ra, transfer your power to your monster so we can win this war." The Pharaoh demanded. Then your body started to drain, your life force feels as if it's slipping slowly out of you and going into your soul god creature. You couldn't do anything, you didn't know what to do, all you could do was slowly feel your conscious slipping. Looking away from your king, you notice a ghostly figure near the roof of the palace. The familiar boy looked as if he was both shocked and worried. He seemed more familiar to you that you were surprised yourself.


Your physical body couldn't move, but your spirit could help send your message of urgency. Sending off the message to your true and kind Pharaoh, your eyes then closed and saw pure darkness.

Yami's POV:
Y/N, this is not me, I would never do something like this to you. No matter what kind of power you possess within your own heart.


That voice, could it be?

Yami, h-help m-me!

That was Y/N's voice but, I see her not doing anything. I then notice a figure next to her look at me with worry, extending their hands out towards my transparent form. They can see me. Y/N smiles gently towards me and slowly her eyes start to close as her ghost figure fades.
Her final words being,
I believe in You, Pharaoh.

My form goes into pure darkness as my soul hears my familiar friend. I then start to open my eyes and realise I'm back at the battle city tower, with my main rival Seto Kaiba on the other end. We were there for a reason, we fought this same battle back in ancient times.

However, that man who looked like me isn't real, for my Queen would never be used for power.

Yugi asks, "Yami, you're back, is everything alright? It felt like your were spacing out, both you and Kaiba."
"I'm fine Yugi, we saw a memory that was apart of my past, however, something was different."
"A memory, of your past? What about?" Yugi replies, filled with curiosity.
" A duel between Kaiba and Myself 5000 years ago, except the figure played as me was entirely different."
Yugi looked at me puzzled, he had more questions that wanted answers, but for now we still had a duel to finish, and I plan to finish it with everything I got. It's not over till the last card is played.

Y/N, this is for you.
Its been a while my lovely marshmallows.

How have you all been? I hope you're all doing good.

I thought it was a good time to let our boi Atem throw another thing at Kaiba-boy, so this time instead of a pie, it was a snowball. The art doesn't belong to me though.

Thank you so much for your lovely comments wanting more of this, I hope this is to your liking. I hope you all have a wonderful day.

Demy signing out~!

P.s. Your comments are very important to me, so knowing you wanted more gave me the strength to keep writing, thanks for being awesome! xx

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