Chapter 11 - Millenium World

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(Y/n) POV:
You were so tired and kept daydreaming about the hug that both you and Yugi shared, which then turned to you and Yami. It always made you blush at the thought for only a second. But the thought washed away when you fall asleep cosy and comfy in your room.
You wake up and find yourself back in the ancient world like last time. It was back at the temple on the far east side of the palace below, it looked like a lovely view of the place but something disturbed that moment.

"GAHHH!! oof!" The sound of a splat was heard not too far from your position as you managed to see a little girl face planted on the ground. The same face and features had reminded you of your young looks.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid." The young one shouted in rage.
"You always say I'm not powerful enough or not doing the right order given, well I am but then you say I fail, every time, I should just give up, it's no point anyway." The girl said, not noticing any sign of presence till now.
"Who's there! Show yourself!" She commanded, that girl had guts I can give her that. Wait, I think she means me, just like before when she noticed me while she was with that boy before. Her golden pierced gaze didn't leave the direction the source came from and it made me look behind to see a figure hiding behind one of the large pillars holding the outer ring of the temple's architect. (Think about the look of Stonehenge, the temple sort of looks like that but more closed to only one entrance. *thumbs up*)

The girl realised that she may have scared the figure. The girl stepped lightly closer to the figure cautiously. "I'm sorry, I've just been having a rough day, do you want to come out, I won't hurt you." The figure hesitates as it steps back but trips, falling on their ass. (what's a better way to explain the ass, you tell me unless there is a way and I'm just stupid enough to realise. And no, Glutinous Maximus doesn't count. I hope I spelt that correctly. Moving on!)

"A-are you okay?" The replies worriedly.
"I-I'm fine, I didn't mean to eavesdrop I promise. I'm sorry." The high pitched but boyish voice echoes.
"Don't worry, it wasn't even that much of a difference." The girl said lending a hand to the boy which by the looks of it was maybe older than the girl.
"You must be gutsy to be coming up here." The girl laughed.
"Why is that?" The boy replied.
"Because, no one comes here, the last person who was here was my mother."
"And where is she now?"
"In heaven."
The atmosphere grew silent, it was a bit  weary after that escalation, but the boy spoke up. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"
The girl looked at him almost confused with the saddened look, and then she realises, "oh no, she's not actually dead."
The boy looks up almost puzzled. "What?"
"My mother she may have died years ago but in this time she's not dead, she's in heaven working."
"Working? As in like, as some sort of God?"
"Goddess! They are two different things, you should know that. Shouldn't you?"
"My parents don't believe in them. They say they are a waste of time and won't help us even if we beg."
"And what if one did help you, would believe in them then?"
The bangs on the boy's head fall forward, covering his face. "Probably not, my parents sacrificed their time to prey for the gods, I think they have stopped because it just gets worse in my hometown."
"And where is that exactly?"
"What, my hometown?"
The younger one nods.
"North east of the palace, where the sun touches a small amount of the city because of it blocks the sun using a mountain."
"Kul Elna?!? You live there!?!"
The boy gets up from his spot and starts walking away, he knew he has said too much. "I'm sorry, but this conversation should end here. I have said too much."
"W-wait! Before you go, at least tell me your name!" The girl reaches out towards the boy, but missed him. However, the boy turns around and the brownish dark eyes gaze at the girl. "It's Bakura."
The girl looks at him and smiles, "well then Bakura, you can call me (y/n), that's if you come back."
The boy turns on his heels and walks away. The girl just smiles and sits back down, watching him take each step down the long staircase. Sigh.

That boy, just like the guy you talked to before the next duel was announced, He might have something to do with this situation as well, but what?

You'll have to find that out, won't you (y/n)?

To be continued...
Oh mah lord hello, here is another, hope you are happy.
*lots of hugs to everyone that really enjoys this.*
Hope you all have a lovely Spring/Fall/Autumn, it's spring for me so that's why I said that, anyway I go to go, I'm going to a carnival. Bye Guys!!

How you met Atem (Atem X Reader FanFic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora