Chapter 5 - The Wondering Dream Pt 1

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As you started to drift off to sleep, you felt, light. It was almost as if, you were as light as a feather. (another Cliché, good job me) Where am I? You thought.
Is this a dream? It must be because I went back to my room after following Ishizu. As you were able to flip yourself over while still levitating through the air, a sudden feeling of gravity kicked in as it made you fall back down to earth. You knew this was a dream but you screamed anyway.

As you were getting close to being in contact with the ground, you began to slow down till you safely touched the ground. However, looking at your surrounding, it was sort of dark and ancient, you were teleported to another place. You were so confused with your surroundings, but decided to walk anyway. The room started to get bigger as you were almost towards the center, and then you heard voices coming from the direction you were heading. Before entering the room where the voices could be heard, you decided the hide behind a wall and listen to their conversation. You thought being here must have something to do with this conversation being held, so you made sure you kept yourself out of site from their vision and started to listen. There were two voices heard, only one sounded familiar, the deep but kind voice that spoke to you at the beginning of the tornament, and before going on the Blimp. Yugi. But what is this voice that sounds so innocent and more adorable than the Yugi you know.
Maybe I should take just a peak, You tried to take a small peak but just seeing them made you in complete shock. THERE'S TWO YUGIS!! Your mind was almost spinning but more of your mind was filled with confusion and shock, you tried to get back to hiding again, but you were caught red handed.

Yami's POV:
As Yugi and I were having a conversation within my room that contains my soul, I felt like another presence was within this room. Yugi looked confused as I was checking my room for intruders.
Yugi asked filled with concern, "Is everything alright?"
He looked back at Yugi and then noticed in the corner of his eye a presence within the shadows. He pointed towards the figure sort of hiding behind the wall, but not very well hidden. "OVER THERE! Hiding behind the wall, come out now."
The figure froze from my words and moved away from the wall so they could be seen, but the darkness was still covering themselves. "Who are you? Reveal yourself!" My voice echoed through the room. The figure didn't speak too loud, it was stuttering, almost in fear from my angered voice, and then what really shocked not only Yugi, but myself as well was that it was, her.
"Uh-umm, I-I'm Sorry!!" The familiar girl bowed before us, revealing herself in the dim light.
I was frozen from her appearing within our soul. "(Y-Y/N)!?!"

Your POV:
You bowed towards the two Yugis, nearly in complete fear, but also thought about how they would feel about you being here, even though you don't know where you are. You heard Yami's voice in shock when he said your name, "(Y-Y/N)!?!"
You slowly went back up and left your eyes shut, to afraid on noticing their faces. "I'M SORRY I WAS LISTENING TO YOUR CONVERSATION I SHOULDN'T HAVE DONE IT IN THE FIRST PLACE." You said, still keeping your eyes shut to not give them eye contact.

Narrator's POV:
The room became silent, Yami was shocked that (Y/n) was here, (Y/n) was afraid of seeing what would happen next, and the only thing that could be heard was small giggles coming from the small, adorable Yugi. He couldn't hold much of his laughter because he knew this was too much for him, Yami would most likely be surprised that his "Crush" is here in his 'soul' room, but also that (y/n) is sort of on the right track on why we would be shocked, but not so close to the actual point. Yugi tried breathing before starting to talk while walking over towards (y/n).
"It's alright (y/n), we weren't actually talking about things that don't need to be a secret really, it was more about planning for our next duel to be honest." Yugi replies with a smile.
"Really" (y/n) replies back slowly opening her eyes.
"I know this might be a bit of a shock to seeing both of us but... Hi my name is Yugi Motou and-" Yugi gently pulled (y/n) towards Yami and continued. "This is Yami, but we don't actually know his real name, so we kept it with that."
(Y/n) tilted her head slightly to the side confused, while looking at Yami. "Why is that?" She questioned.
Yami answered her question, "Because I don't know anything about myself, apart from actually ruling Egypt 5 thousand years ago, as the Pharaoh."
You were created to hold the nameless Pharaoh's hidden memories.
(Y/n) had a sudden flash on Ishizu's words from before, "a Ph-Pharaoh?"

To Be Continued...


Hey guys!! Hope you like this, I thought this chapter might be a bit long, so I split it.
But your not getting any more of this from me, for now. I have to work on one shots because apparently you really want them more, so... Yea... I do hope you like this, and I'm also going to edit the previous chapters because instead of 'I' I'm going to put 'you' instead, it sounds better, because then it might be referring to me, also I have to change my description at the front, forgot about that.

Update: Just had to change a minor error. Also thanks for liking my story, I'm sort in the middle on working on a sequel for my one shot but yea, Idk when I'll get back to making more, we'll see.

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