I stayed silent, having a mental battle with myself as an uncomfortable silence grew between us. I just wanted to tell him that I didn't feel the same way as him, but something inside me prevented me from doing it. I couldn't just tell him like that. Not now.

"Mark?" He asked after a moment, his eyes turning sad.

Damn it! Think of something, Mark! A way that doesn't sound so rude for him... But what?

I sighed, shaking my head. "Rupert..."

"Whoever is inside, get out of there right now before I open the door myself!" The woman yelled again, knocking on our door and making the both of us jump.

"I... I think we should get going." I said, pulling the sheets away from my body and picking up my clothes from the floor. Rupert still looked sad and uncertain, but after a while he finally decided to get changed too. We had to talk about this at some point. I can't just drop him at his house and wait for him to leave like that. I have to find a not-so-rude way to tell him that I can't be his boyfriend... That I don't love him. It's going to be hard. So damn hard.

I opened the door when we were both changed. We stepped out to see lots of couples coming out from the rooms too. Most of them were guys with girls... Even one of the guys came out with two girls. I felt a bit uncomfortable at seeing that apparently we were the only... Gay couple here, and even more when weird and disgusted stares were set on us, adding hurt to my discomfort. But I wasn't letting their stares to incommode me, so I tried my best to ignore them as we walked down the hallway.

Finally we exited the club and headed towards the parking lot. We walked silently until getting to my car and we both got inside after I unlocked it. Rupert looked very uncomfortable as he sat on the passenger seat, fiddling with his fingers with his head hanging low.

I sighed before I inserted the key and started the engine, but he spoke before I could start driving. "And the others?"

"Herman messaged me, saying he'd go with that chick he met yesterday at some park. Skylar messaged me too and said she was home already. As for Scarlet, I have no idea." I told him, and started driving out of the parking lot and towards the road.

"Oh..." He nodded slowly, looking out from his window. "Herman going with a girl at the park? That doesn't sound like him at all." He commented.

"Yeah, I know. Maybe the sex addict fucker has finally fallen in love." I said, making Rup chuckle a bit. Then I realized what I just said, and as soon as that little smile appeared on his face, it disappeared and he got uncomfortable again.

I sighed again. After some minutes of driving, I noticed we were approaching the road that led to our houses. But I wasn't ready to take us there yet. "What time are you leaving?"

He took out his phone and looked at the time. It was currently 12:32 PM. "Well, my parents said we were leaving at six. But I have to be in my house at four."

"Okay. Then we have some time." I said, turning to the road that led to the forest.

"W-Where are we going?" He asked nervously.

"We're going to sort this out."

I drove for a few more minutes in silence until I stopped the car next to the forest, where there was a river just some feet away from us. I climbed out of the car and so did Rupert, although a bit uncertainly. I made my way forward through some trees and bushes, Rup's steps following behind me, until I got to an open space surrounded by tall trees and rocks, the sound of the water flowing in front of me and the soft breeze around the place was relaxing. I stood almost at the edge as Rupert went to stand at my side.

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