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CHAPTER 24 | Weird

The weekend passed by rather quickly. Ever before I met Mark, I enjoyed staying at my house and do all sorts of things. When I met him, it wasn't a very nice experience, but when I met his friendly side, I just wanted the weekend to end so I could go to school and see him.

Sometimes as I walked around the school with my friends, I happened to find Mark talking with his, or walking with them as well. When we passed by, Mark would give me a small smile that made me want to melt in that moment, and of course I would return a much bigger one. That's what we did when we saw each other and our friends were around. Meanwhile, Scarlet threw hateful words at Amber, and of course she backfired.

From his group, I think Mark and Skylar are the only ones who I'm getting along with, mostly with Mark. I don't know about Rupert, though, he hasn't called me a dwarf anymore so maybe he respects me now. Herman and Scarlet are the same arrogant dickheads as always.

At the end of classes, Mark would text me to say to meet him at the bleachers and talk for a while. That made me super excited and it was my favorite part of the day. Apart of being in that place, we would also take little walks around the school until we were tired. However, other times he would say he'd go with his friends and wouldn't be able to be there. Those days I felt disappointed, but oh well, maybe that's just part of his ambivert personality.

Today is Wednesday and he didn't text me whether he was going to be on the bleachers or not, so I went to check anyway. When I arrived, he wasn't there. I looked around to see if he was making his way somewhere, until I noticed a familiar figure among the soccer players who were running around. It was him. It looks like Mark has decided to go and play today. Well, this should be interesting to watch.

I took a seat on the bleachers and focused my gaze on Mark and only him. He was wearing his sports outfit: a tight white shirt that made his pecs and abs stand out, red shorts that made his ass stand out as well, and a pair of trainers on his beautiful feet.

He was really fast and agile as he chased the ball. With his long legs, he stole the ball from another player like a professional. Now all the other players were after him as Mark got closer to the goal. Someone shouted at him to pass the ball. He kicked it towards the other guy who called him. He was with the ball for a while as other players tried to steal it from him, but then he passed it back to Mark. Now that he had the ball on his possession, he gave it one last swift kick that scored a goal on his team.

They cheered at Mark and ran towards him to high five him and wrap their arms around his shoulders. I wanted to cheer too, but they would see that weird, so I just cheered for him in my mind. YAY! Great work, Marky!

I wonder why he doesn't play more often. He's really good at it! He could become one of the best soccer players in the world. Well, that's what I think. He's not only an extremely attractive artist, but also an excellent soccer player.

"Where is Mark?"

I yelped as I heard a female voice next to me. I turned to see Amber looking around her confusingly, before her eyes set on mine.

"Amber? What are you doing here?" I asked her, just as confused as she was. "I thought you had left already?"

"I was waiting for your aunt but she never arrived. Then I called my dad to tell him if he could pick me up but he was busy. So the only option was to go walking, but I didn't want to go alone, so I came back to find you."

"Oh, okay then. Um, just wait a bit and I'll go with you."

"Where is Mark?" She asked again. "Have you been lying when you told us you'd come here to see him?"

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