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"have you ever felt alone in a room full of people? have you ever been so immensely ashamed of the way you look or the way you talk or the way you walk you felt physically ill? have you ever notice people staring at you when you're in the middle of a joke or when you're trying to get attention and fail and notice how they roll their eyes and probably comment on how stupid you are and how irrelevant you are in the group? have you ever been cheated on? by a friend, a lover, a relative and questioned yourself on how will it be possible to trust again? to love again? to let anyone in? have you ever got drunk with the sole purpose of forgetting about how messed up your life really is? forgetting about that boy who preferred to run away than stick with your madness? forgetting about the family you appear to have but is falling apart by the second? have you ever looked at your scars and wondered what it was like before having them? have you ever feared your thoughts? have you ever been so scared of your own ideas you start to cry and end up sleeping it off? have you ever killed yourself inside your head? more than once? have you ever smiled genuinely? have you ever lost someone you loved? have you ever wished to be someone else? 

have you ever thought about it?"

- arual

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