"It's just a wild dog, Kar," I reassure her, "if we don't make any sudden moves it'll leave us alone."

The dog's head snaps around in our direction. Its tail slaps the ground a couple of times, so it doesn't look too hostile. A long tongue pokes out of its mouth, then it stands up.
It's tall - much too tall for a dog. Practically human size, maybe the height of Karen.

The creature lets out a bark. It doesn't sound like a dog's bark, more like a human trying to sound like a dog.
After this, it runs off.

"D-did you just see that?" I stammer.

"You mean the dog human thing?" Karen bites her lip, "Yeah. I saw it."

"Let's just go. It was probably just another weird mutant."

Karen hums in agreement.
We quickly walk to the car, feeling incredibly unnerved by that strange creature, and buckle ourselves in as soon as we can. We dump our heavy weapons in the back and then I start the car.

In the rear view mirror, I spot a screamer wandering towards us.

"Shit!" I curse loudly, then I slap a hand over my mouth. Karen shoots me a look, "screamer."

"Oh shit." Her eyes widen.

"Plan A or plan B?" I ask.

Karen thinks for a second, checks the mirror to see how close it is to the car, then holds up two fingers.
Plan B it is then.

I open up the glovebox and pull out a stone. After slowly rolling down the window, I throw it a metre or so away from the car.
The screamer, intrigued by the noise, wanders over towards the stone.

Karen hands me her pistol. I cock it, then aim at the screamer's head with my finger hovering above the trigger. Once I'm sure I'll hit the temple, I quickly press down.
Right at the last second, the screamer trips over the rock and hits the floor, snapping its legs.

"Oh shit!" I quickly roll up the window, "babe, cover your ears."

Karen does as she's told. I quickly put the car into second gear, despite it being bad for the car, and slowly release the clutch whilst pushing on the accelerator equally as slowly. I wish we'd found an automatic car. Who even drives a stick?

The screamer does what its name implies - it screams. The noise is so loud I can feel my seat vibrating.

I slam my foot on the accelerator and the car jerkily starts moving away from the zombie. Finally, the crappy vehicle decides to drive smoothly so we speed down the street and take a very harsh left that has the car tyres squeaking and Karen sliding over in her seat.

"Thank God for seatbelts." She mumbles.

"I'm sorry, but we've got to get out of here. You know what Screamers can attract."

I pull the radio out of my pocket and hand it to Karen. She checks the batteries are properly inserted, then switches it on.

"Good morning. Or afternoon, I'm never really sure," she starts, "if anyone is listening, our names are Ruby and Carmen. We're looking for any survivors who can help us get out of Colorado."

She releases the talk button to listen for a response, but all we get is static.

"Darn," she sighs, "do you think it's ever going to pick anyone up?"

"It has to. We have to get out of state." My grip tightens on the wheel.

"What if we go up there?" Karen points to a tall billboard with a ruined advertisement for diapers, "the signal might be better up there."

"Could be. I don't think they teach this stuff in fourth grade science so I have no idea."

"Man, I can't believe I haven't been to school in like, five years. I think my English assignment is a little overdue." She giggles.

"Maybe just a little." I agree.

I park just in front of the billboard and then check the coast is clear before I get out. I hear Karen trying the radio again as she slams the car door shut, but yet again she gets no response.

"There's a ladder around this way. We should be able to get to the top." I tell her.

Karen goes up first. She puts the radio into her pocket before carefully making her way up the ladder. I follow her a minute or two later, making sure to keep some distance between us so I don't get my face kicked.

"Um, Trish." She whispers, suddenly stopping.

"Oh crap, you're afraid of heights. I totally forgot," I internally face palm, "Do you want to head back down? I can try the radio on my o-"

"Ruby!" She interrupts me, using my fake name, "there's someone up here."

Love Bites ~ Craig of the Dead au ~ Tricia x Karen fan fiction [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now