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The white haired male paused his step to turn around to see who called out his name. He quickly saw a pinked haired woman coming towards him with a bright smile on her face. She caught up to him and the two continued their walk down the hallway filled with gigantic windows.

"Did you need something?" Kishou asked with a raised eyebrow.
Yukina smiled slightly while bowing as the two of them passed by some of their colleagues. "Yeah, I got a letter. It said there's an apartment ready for me." Yukina smiled slightly as she peered above to see any reaction from her sleeping buddy.
"It's been eight months now?" Kishou hummed softly to himself. "Isn't this what you wanted?"
"Well..." Yukina moved her magenta eyes back to the ground, "I actually like living with you. If you don't mind..."

Kishou stopped in his tracks causing Yukina to do the same. She looked up curiously and saw that Kishou was closing in slowly.

"Of course I don't mind."

Kishou whispered softly as he was about to plant a kiss on her lips. Yukina was awaiting for it in a sexual way but the two heard his name being called by the other ghoul investigators. Kishou stood back straight and was going to head over behind him when Yukina pouted and grabbed a fistful of his jacket to pull him back and kissed him. Yukina stuck out her tongue in response to the shock look on his face. They're not known to show any affection for each other in public so this was new to him. But his lips curled into a slight smile.

"I'll see you tonight?"
"Yes, sir!" Yukina exclaimed as she saluted towards him. He let out a nervous smile and waved before heading over to the ghoul investigators.

But as quickly as he turned back around to his colleagues, a flash of white ran by.

"Juuzou!" Yukina smiled brightly while bending down slightly to give him a hug around his neck. "How have you been? Did you enjoy your first mission?"
"Yeah! 13's Jason is amazing! Shinohara said I have to express my gratitude! The only way I can think of is not killing you though." Juuzou tilted his head to the side with a slight hum - getting a nervous laugh from Yukina in return.

Soon Shinohara came by, explaining to Juuzou that that's probably not the right thing to say when expressing gratitude.

Kishou was staring at the little trio when someone broke his train of thought.

"Are you and Yukina dating now?"

One of his teammates asked. Kishou looked at him plainly and continued on his walk to the president's office.

"What makes you say that?"
"She's been looking very lovely for the past few months now." The same guy murmured softly as he looked back over his shoulder to see a gleaming Yukina.

"Hmm? You're home early today?" Yukina glanced up from her pint of ice cream and saw the stoic Kishou. He took off his jacket and put it in the closet. Yukina was weirded out that he was making his way towards her on the couch without saying a word. "Is everything alright?"

Quickly, Kishou took the pint of ice cream out of her hands and placed it on the coffee table while kissing her neck.

"K-Kishou!" Yukina moaned out. "The ice cream's going to melt!"
"I'll get you a new one." Kishou grunt as he took off her shirt along with her bra. He gently started sucking on one of the nipples while massaging the other one.

"What's wrong?" Yukina asked from the bed. She flipped onto her stomach with the blanket covering her bare back. They've made their way from the sofa to his room while keeping their hands on each other.

Kishou had his boxers and unbutton shirt on as he was sitting at his desk. He stared at the blank piece of paper that was in front of him. A moment later, he closed his eyes and sighed. He folded the paper in thirds and slowly made his way back into bed.

Yukina opened her arms so that his head would be able to fit in between them and sighed as he rubbed the bottom of her back.

"We're going on a big mission."
"Is it so big that you have to write those things that are like wills?"
Kishou looked up with surprise, "You know about them?"
"Yeah," Yukina smiled softly, "Everyone has been on edge lately. I heard you never write anything either."
"I find no need to."
"Because you're the genius Reaper?" Yukina hummed while twirling her finger around his hair.
Kishou hummed and gently nudge his face closer in between her breasts causing Yukina to hold in her breath as she feel her nether region getting hot. "I just don't have anything to write."

Kishou smiled softly as he pinned Yukina below him, wanting to continue onto their second round.

"Just promise me you'll come back alive."

{Sincerely} Arima KishouTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang