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Months had gone by since Yukina had moved in with Kishou. She was nervous at first when he offered her the deal, but soon relaxed when she saw that he had an extra room and left her to do anything she wanted. He promised her that he would be home every night so that she could sleep soundly. On most nights, Yukina would make her own dinner since Kishou would go out to eat instead. Yukina protested, saying it's a waste of money, but was defeated as Kishou repeatedly told her that it was okay.

"Are you sure it's okay for me to stay indefinitely with you?" Yukina peered above towards her side as Kishou was walking with her.

They were making their way to the supermarket since Yukina was running low on food.

"I'm more worried about you."
"What do you mean?" Yukina raised an eyebrow.
"I heard your friends pestering questions about our
living situation."

Yukina blushed as she started to remember the kind of questions her colleagues were asking.

"He's so hot! Have you guys slept yet?"
"What body wash does he use? Shampoo?"
"Does he work out at home a lot?"
"Does he bring girls home some nights?"

"Uh, it's nothing really." Yukina gave him a nervous smile yet she recognized that small frown appearing on his face.
"I know people are asking if we've slept together yet."
"W-wait! How did you know about that?!" Yukina swore she saw a smirk playing his lips. But as quickly as it appeared, it disappeared just as quick.
"It's fine if you want to move out faster. We could expedite your request."

Kishou calmly stated as he took a cart for grocery shopping.

"N-no. It's okay. I actually like living with you than staying near the center by myself." Yukina muttered as she picked up a head of lettuce.
A soft hum was heard from the white haired male. "Though I am getting tired of taking care of you every Friday now. Try not to get stressed often, okay?"
"Is that supposed to be a joke?!"

Kishou softly chuckled and proceeded to push the cart to the next aisle. Yukina puffed out her cheeks and into a pout as she watched him leave. Though a little annoyed, she couldn't help but be grateful that he left when he did. She felt her chest as her heart was slowly coming back to a steady rate.

It's been hard for her for the past few weeks when she started to live with the Arima, Kishou. He's easily one of the better looking guys and to boot it off, he offered the idea to live together?! Talk about jackpot. Though she totally believe that he's not interested in her like she is with him, she could see some tease. Like when he walk out of the bathroom shirtless and walked passed her open room. Or he would come home every night and say that he got permission to skip on night patrol or assignments just so that she could feel safe at home. And even now, he would always go with her to the grocery store and help her carry the food.

It's obviously not hard for the rumors to start that they are dating because of how he's acting. But Yukina would reassure everyone that it wasn't a viable idea. For one, neither of them had expressed any feelings towards each other other than being friends. Two, they sleep in different rooms. And three, he's never home for dinner. He's always home after Yukina fell asleep. So it's not like they do anything after work. Kishou would time from time ask Yukina what she's doing after work, and if she was doing anything besides going straight home, he'll always offer to walk her to her destination.

And today just happens to be one of those days. Yukina and Kishou was walking back to his apartment that was close by CCG. He carried most of the bags while Yukina held onto the keys and one bag of her own. The two went into the apartment as they carried on their conversation.

"You're never home for dinner, Arima."
"I told you to call me by my first name when we're alone, Yukina." Kishou frowned.
"S-Sorry, K-Kishou." Yukina could feel the heat creeping up on her cheeks. Quickly, she turned her back towards the tall male missing the slight smile that played on his lips.
"Sorry, I do my patrols during dinner time."
"Don't you get hungry? Do you want me to make dinner for you?"

Yukina pauses putting the groceries away to peer up at the giant behind her. Her magenta eyes has shown some concern when looking at the dark iris of the White Reaper. He only shook his head as he was heading towards the door.

"I don't want to bother you, so I just go ahead and buy something from the convenience store." He proceeded to open the door and headed out in his patrol. He took a pause in his step before saying, "Remember to lock the door and windows."

{Sincerely} Arima KishouWhere stories live. Discover now