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"Gah!" Yukina exclaimed happily as she took in a big gulp of her beer. She looked over at Kishou with her drunken face and raised an eyebrow. "Why aren't you drinking?"
"I just don't like to." Kishou replies promptly as he took a sip of his coffee.
"What do you do when you're stressed then?" Yukina asked as she took in another gulp. "Mister! Another one!" She exclaimed while raising a hand with a bright smile on her face.

Kishou looked at her dumbfounded. She already chugged down three other beers and was perfectly fine. How much can she exactly handle?

"You're stressed?"
"It doesn't look like it right?" Yukina hiccuped and smiled. "It's just hard when you have so much expectations placed on you. You know, coming from the same institute as Dr. Chigyou and him recommending me personally. Do you have Any expectations?"
"Not really." Kishou responded as he lean into his open palm that was propped up by his elbow on the bar.
Yukina pouted as she slid back so that she could place her chin on the bar table. "Of course not, is what you think. I guess that's the genius part of you. You think you're mediocre when you're not."
"Aren't you one as well? A genius? Dr. Chigyou has nothing but praise for you."
"That's because I studied my butt off to get here." Yukina sighed as she closed her eyes. "Everyone has a reason why they're here, even the genius Reaper Arima." Yukina took in another gulp from her fifth beer. "Has ghoul hunting been a thing in your family?"
Kishou looked at her with raised eyebrows. "You could say that. How did you figure?"
"Because no one could be a genius at killing ghouls unless it's natural to them." Yukina slurred her words a bit as she expressed droopy eyes. "Arima, I'm getting tired."
"Let's get you a cab then."

"Yamamoto, if you can't handle your alcohol, you shouldn't drink that much." Kishou stated as he was carrying the pinkette on his back. Yukina responded with a soft hum oblivious to her surroundings.

The elevator alerted that they had arrived to their designated floor.  Kishou walked down the hallway and stopped in front of the door. "We're in front of your apartment."

Yukina responded with yet another hum. Kishou sighed in defeat and gently placed her on the ground, as he was trying to rummage through her purse to get her keys.

Managed to find them and picked her up bridal style after opening the door. He went through all the doors and managed to find the room which seems like her bedroom and gently placed her underneath the covers.

Kishou was about to leave when he felt a tug on his sleeve.

"Please..." Yukina whispered with her eyes closed.

Kishou let out a deep sigh as he gently pried her hand off from his sleeve. But it was to no avail as she started to whimper until she felt the hem of his jacket. He sighed once again in defeat and gently held her hand as he sat on the floor.

He watched as she breathed rhythmically while in a deep slumber. He decided to do a little experiment. He would try to let go of her hand but she would always whimper and cry. She would stop when he held onto her hand. Kishou did it about three more times and decided that he was left with no choice and had to stay over for the night.

He pulled out his phone so that he could text his subordinates where he was in case anyone was looking for him.


Kishou's eyes slowly glanced towards the whimpering girl and a small frown appeared on his lips. He can see the little shiver and the tears that were coming out from the corners of her eyes. And it was at that moment, he decided that staying over for the night was the right decision.

Yukina woke up the next morning to the sounds of birds chirping. Slowly opening her eyes, her blurry vision became clear when she could see a mop of white hair resting on her bed. She became confused when she saw that his hand was closed to her. But quickly blushed and threw her hand away when she realized she gripped onto his hand all night.

{Sincerely} Arima KishouWhere stories live. Discover now