A start of something

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The school year ended, and so did the junior year. That meant summer vacation and having fun. Although I'm not sure how much fun with Cole wrapped up with Rain. I didn't want to voice my concerns about not seeing him much considering its Rain, and she needs him more than I do.

I figure I would hang out with the guys, but they had other plans. Tony was going to Italy for most of the summer to visit family since his parents are from there. Ade had gotten a job at a summer camp working with kids. That left me alone.

Hmmm, no friends, no boyfriend, and stuck watching reruns on TV. Yeah, my life is fantastic - amazingly sucky.

I went to the beach. Cole brought me a few times to have something to do. I didn't want stuck home all summer. The whole thing about summer was kicking back and relaxing.

Once I pulled into the parking lot, I got out and walked towards the beach. Kicking off my shoes, I carried them as I walked along the shoreline. There was something relaxing hearing the waves crash onto the sand. It's no ocean, but a lake is just as lovely.

I just walked around as I noticed people hanging out and couples spending time together. It sucks being alone. I just kept walking until I called it a day. Considering I was by myself, it looked weird. People probably think I'm some creeper.

I started walking back to my car as I looked up to see Cole sitting on top of the hood. I walked over to him.

"What are you doing here?" I asked curiously.

"I went to see if you wanted to hit the beach, but your mom told me you already did, so here I am," he smiled.

"What about Rain?"

"Luke is out of school for summer, and so are my parents. Rain's schedule changes when we're all home, which frees up my time to a point. I'm still working at the coffeehouse," he explained.

"Can I say, I am excited right now?" I said, trying to contain my happiness.

"How about you give me a kiss and show me how excited you are?" He smirked.

I walked over until I was in between his legs. I placed my hands on his legs as he put his hands on my head while our lips met. Our kiss was passionate and amazing.

He pulled back. "I would say you're pretty excited."

"You do not understand. I didn't want to say anything because I didn't want you to get upset with me," I sighed.

"Upset about what?" He questioned me.

"That we wouldn't be spending a lot of time together or any at all. Tony and Ade left for the summer, which leads me pretty much on my own," I answered, feeling like I would say the wrong damn thing.

"Wade, it's okay to voice your concerns to me. I get it, but I also know there's a balance. Therefore, we put everything in place when we're out of school. Luke and I help with Rain during school hours because our parents don't get home until later," he explained as I looked at him.

"Now I feel like a doof," I sighed as I raised my hands in the air.

"Well, you are a doof, but you're my doof," he smirked as I gave him a look and rolled my eyes. He climbed down off the car and pulled off his shirt while kicking off his sandals.

"What are you doing?" I asked him.

"I'm going swimming, you doof. Come on," Cole yelled as he ran towards the water and dove into it. I rolled my eyes as I chuckled before joining him.

We played around in the water while laughing. Cole would say something, and I would say something back then it would end up in a water fight of us trying to dunk each other. We would jump on each other's back as we threw the other person off. Yeah, we were goofy, but we didn't care.

Eventually, we swam around until we came to a secluded spot and started making out. Things got a bit heated, and before I knew it, Cole disappeared into the water. Looking around, I wondered if he was playing a trick on me. Then it happened. He wasn't playing a joke, but I felt immense pleasure in between my legs.

I gripped something as I closed my eyes, feeling something on me as I moved my hips back and forth until I couldn't control it and exploded. Holy hell, that was crazy.

I kept holding on to the rock I had steadied myself with when Cole's head emerged. I looked at him as he looked at me seductively.

"Did you just give me what I think you gave me?" I asked him.

"What do you think?" He replied with a question.

"Whoa, I wasn't expecting that," I said in awe.

"Being spontaneous is much better than planning it. Makes it more exciting," Cole reasoned as he moved towards me.

I pulled my shorts up as he pulled me to him.

"Wade, I want to show you experiences and explore with you, if you want to," he spoke seductively.

"Cole, I don't know if I'm ready for that step," I said hesitantly.

"I'm not talking about making love. I know you're not ready. I'm talking about exploring and enjoying each other. When the time is right, we will take the next step. I want to be with you and only you intimately," he whispered as our lips were inches from each other.

Cole exuded a sexiness that it made it hard to resist him. I wanted to be close to him in a way there was such a personal connection. I've never felt this way about someone the way I felt about him.

"I'd like that," I replied as a smile crept upon his lips before he pressed his lips to mine. I knew whatever happened at this point. There was no turning back, and I didn't want to. All I wanted to be was with Cole.


I knew I was taking a chance with Wade when I explored him without discussing it with him first. I just wanted to be intimate with him in such a way that it was only between us.

This relationship differed from the other guys. It wasn't about sex with him, because there was more emotion with it and love. Not to mention Wade was sexy as hell.

Everything about him was sexy, including his inexperience. I wanted to show him how I truly felt about him. Being intimate with someone when you're in love with them is the best feeling in the world. I never had that before. It was just sex. Empty, meaningless sex that I got nothing from with other people.

With Wade, it was so different. I knew he wasn't ready to go all the way, and I would not manipulate him into doing so. I wanted him to decide when he was ready. I just wanted to show him love and affection, to mean something to both of us.

We got out of the water and went to get something to eat at the concession stand. Once we finished, we just enjoyed the rest of the day at the beach, ending the day with a fire. Wade sat between my legs with his back against my chest. I had my hands on top of his as our fingers intertwine with each other.

I had a feeling this would be a fantastic summer with him, and I couldn't wait.

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