A peace offering

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I took Grandpa's advice and baked a cake. I took out a box of cake mix and gathered all the ingredients. Following the instructions, I did what it said. When I finished mixing it, I baked it.

Waiting for it to finish, I pulled it out of the oven once the timer went off. Then I waited for it to cool. Placing it on a plate after cooling, I frosted it and looked at it. It was lopsided, and I doubt it was edible. So much for giving Rain a special treat.

I stood there, disappointed in it. Lately, I couldn't do anything right. Then I heard the door open and voices.

Rain and Luke came walking into the kitchen. Rain looked at the cake as we watched her.

"Is this for me?" She looked at me, pointing at the cake.

"Yeah, it's probably not any good," I shrugged.

I watched as she went to the cabinet, took down a plate, and got a knife out. She handed the knife to me. "I would like a piece, please."

I walked over and sliced her a piece of cake, placing it on the plate. Then handed her a spoon. She walked over and took a seat at the table and took a bite. I crossed my arms and chewed on the tip of my thumb as she ate.

She finished the entire slice and turned to me. "I like it. It's vanilla, which is my favorite."

"So, it wasn't bad?" I was trying to gauge her expression.

"It doesn't look pretty, but it's yummy. Can I have another, please?" Rain asked me, holding out her plate at me.

"Yeah," I said as I took her plate and sliced another piece as Luke took a slice and ate. I watched as they both ate the cake.

"Dang Cole, this is great," Luke said in between bites.

"I just wanted Rain to like it," I said.

She looked up at me. "Why ?"

"Because I broke my promise to you, which I feel bad about that I did. The person I broke it for turned out to be bad. For that, I'm sorry," I said as tears fell down my cheeks.

She got up and walked over to me. She hugged me, and I hugged her back. She let go of me and looked at me.

"Do you still dislike me?" I whispered.

"I did, but not anymore. Luke told me someone hurt you and said you felt bad. Cole, you're a good brother, and you love me even when you are a jerk towards me, but I forgive you," she told me.

"Now, can we play a game," she asked me.

"Yes," I said as a smile curled on my lips. I got a board game and set it out as the three of us sat down and played.

I can deal with anything, but I can't deal with having Rain upset with me. She's the only person I never wanted her defeat with me. At that moment, I decided never to hurt her again, no matter what. If I had to protect her, I would.

Our parents came home a few hours later to find us sitting at the table, playing a game.

"It seems like old times," Mom said to Dad.

"It's getting there," he reasoned as we continued playing.

They greeted Luke and us, and Rain spoke to them. I stayed quiet as I usually did. It was better that way. Even at dinner, I didn't say much. I just ate quietly.

Later on, I was up in my room, reading when I heard a knock at my door. I looked up to see Dad walked in. He walked over and took a seat in front of me. I closed my book and set it aside.

"I know we have had little time to talk, and I want you to know that no matter what, your mom and I love you," he assured me.

"I know. I forgot about it for a minute. Let something cloud my judgment," I told Dad.

"Talk to me, Cole," he said with furrowed brows.

"Dad, I'm fine. I'm working on my homework and staying close to home. The only people I see daily are all of you. It's just better that way. I stay out of trouble," I explained to him.

"Okay, but please talk to us when you need to. If we don't know what's going on, we can't help you," Dad reasoned.

"I will," I answered.

He got up and leaned over, kissing me on top of my head. Then he left. I accepted I was gay. The last thing I wanted to do was tell them so they would worry. I already put them through a lot. I didn't need them to suffer.

Plus, as far as I was concerned, Easton taught me you don't have to love someone to have sex. I was living proof of it. Because of him, I refuse to get close to someone ever again. I refuse to open myself up to falling in love with someone ever back.

No love, no hurt. It was that simple. Before anyone could hurt me, I would leave. I didn't need someone to hurt me again.

I continued with my online classes. It was easier to deal with school without the bullshit that went with it. I didn't have to deal with the assholes that went along with it.

The holidays arrived, and my parents tried to be happy, but knowing I caused the lawsuit, they were dealing with put a damper on everything. I didn't realize someone would deliver a Christmas miracle for us. It was something we would find out Christmas Day.

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