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I arrived at the coffeehouse and ordered my coffee before I took a seat in a booth. I sat there and waited. People came and went while I sat there waiting to see if he showed.

Nine o'clock arrived, and I sat there. I watched the door, waiting to see if Wade emerged, but he didn't. I remained as time passed and it was now almost ten o'clock. I guess I got my answer as I finished my coffee and got up to leave. Sometimes cake doesn't always fix things.

Walking to my car, I noticed another vehicle in the parking lot with someone sitting in it. I walked over, and as I got closer, I noticed it was Wade.

"I have been sitting here for the past hour, trying to decide if I wanted to get hurt again," he said, not looking at me.

I watched as he reached over and held out his hand, holding the Rainbow Dash. I bought him. I took it from him as he looked at me. Hurt filled his face as I stood there holding Rainbow Dash.

He opened the car door and emerged as I stepped back, then he closed it and stood there.

"I told you I would screw up, and you said you were okay with it. I told you I was inexperienced, and you were fine with it. I still got hurt. Why?" He snapped.

"I thought you were having second thoughts, and I let my past rule me," I answered.

"But I'm not your past, Cole. I'm not out to hurt you or any of that crap those people have done in the past. You can't hold your past against me. All I'm trying to do is love you in a way that scares the hell out of me," he spoke truthfully. I looked at him. "I have never felt the way about others, the way I feel about you, and it frightens me. To know that one wrong move, and I'm nursing a broken heart," he sniffled as he wiped his face with his hands.

I slowly took steps towards him as he shook his head, "Please don't," he begged me as I got closer to him until I was face to face with him. I reached up and gently touched his face as he tried to move it away from my touch until I placed my other hand on the other side of his face. Turning his face towards me, I leaned in and tried to kiss him as he tried to stop it.

After a few minutes, I could finally capture his lips with mine, deepening the kiss as I held onto him. He tensed at first, then finally relented, giving in and kissing me back. At that moment, we both needed that kiss.

I poured so much emotion into it, showing him exactly how I felt. No matter what happened in the past, that was the past. Wade deserved better, and I wanted to give it to him. He earned the best of me, not the worst.

We broke from our kiss after a few minutes, then I looked at him, "You're right. I told you I would be fine with anything that happened, and I made the mistake of letting you down. Wade, you deserve to be happy, and I want to make you happy. I don't want my past to rule my future anymore. I'm sorry," I apologized as he looked at me. "Forgive me."

"I can't," he said as I looked at him, confused. "You hurt me, Cole. How do I know you won't do it again?"

"You don't. All I can do is show you I'm sorry if you will let me," I offered as Wade looked at me.

"I don't know," he said as he looked at me.

"I know you're scared, but let me show you. I can't promise you it won't be hard, but I can promise you it will be worth it," I reasoned as Wade furrowed his brows.

"Maybe," he pulled away as he opened his car door and got inside of his car. "If you are serious about us, then you'll prove it, Cole. Until then, I will not hold my breath." With that, I watched him drive off.

If he wants me to prove it, then I'll prove it. I refuse to let Wade go.


Driving away from Cole was the hardest thing I ever had to do. I wanted to shout, yes, but my heart was hurting. I was in love with him, but he showed me love isn't always happy, it can hurt.

I drove home and went up to my room, making my way to my bed. I laid down on it and thought about everything.

Could I open myself up to Cole only for him to hurt me repeatedly? What if I say the wrong thing and he calls it quits? I didn't have any answers to this. All I knew is that it would take more than a cupcake, a pony, and a kiss to fix it.

How can you love someone so much to allow them to hurt you repeatedly? While others got the best of Cole, I got the worst. That was just my luck.

I rolled over and fell asleep with no answers.

The next morning, I awoke and got ready for school. All I could think about was last night. No matter what, I doubt he would keep his word.

I came downstairs, had breakfast, and then headed to school. I opened the door to find a cupcake in a container with a note.

If I have to prove it, then I will.

I set the cupcake down on the table by the door and went to school. It would take more than a cake to convince me. When I arrived at school, I went to the room Rain was in at school. I walked in and sat down. She was working on a puzzle, so I started working on it with her.

Then she pulled something out of her bag and handed it to me.

"Here, Luke told me to give this to you," she said, holding up a limited edition My Little Pony.

I took it and opened it up to find a note inside.

If I have to keep doing this, I will until I can prove I'm serious.

I shoved the note into my pocket. I went back to working on the puzzle.

Later on, I found a book in my locker, along with a note.

You will not push me away. Keep trying.

I sighed. Why did I have the feeling that every time I turned around, I would find something else? I debated if I should give in or not. Guess we'll see.

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