That's hilarious

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"Hahahahahaha," Cole laughed when I told him about what Rain said and what I told her. See, I told you he would laugh.

"Cole, this isn't funny," I sighed as I took a seat next to him on my couch.

"Wade, it's hilarious," he snickered as he started laughing again.

I gave him a look as he finally stops laughing.

"Okay, sorry," he said as he started chuckling.

"I wouldn't have to tell her these things if we weren't keeping it a secret," I reasoned as he looked at me as he finally stops laughing for real this time.

"Wade, I know you don't enjoy hiding this between us," he gestured between him and me, "but I also know how people can be, especially in high school. Remember the first guy I told you about who I had a crush on?"

"Yeah," I replied.

"I didn't tell you the rest. The guy was a senior in school, and I found out he made a bet to take my virginity," he told me as I looked at him, shocked. "I beat the hell out of him and put him in the hospital because of it. I was fourteen at the time."

My jaw dropped open when he told me that. I didn't know what to say.

"Not only did he humiliate me, but he also took pictures and sent them to people. I wasn't the first person he did this to, but I was the last," he explained as I sat there staring at him.

"So, excuse me if I prefer you not to go through what I went through. Wade, people, can be cold and cruel. They can treat you poorly and not give a damn about your feelings or the fact you genuinely like someone. After that day, I refused to allow myself to feel anything for anyone until this scrawny kid bumped into me and dropped this," he said as I watched him pull out Rainbow Dash.

He held it up, and I stared at it. I remember that day. I was so upset, and the guys tried to calm me down, but I felt horrified people would learn my secret.

"Wade, I could have outed you when I found this, but I didn't. I kept your secret," he reasoned as I understood why Cole didn't want to tell anyone. He was still protecting my secret.

"I don't know what to say," I sighed, feeling like a complete ass.

"It's not about keeping a secret because you like it, it's because you love someone enough not to put them through hell," he reasoned as I looked at him shocked.

"What did you just say?" I whispered. Cole gave me a look as I sat there, realizing what he said.

"Wade, I'm in love with you and have been since that day. I thought my feelings would change, but they didn't," he answered truthfully. I sat there, still stunned and feeling so much emotion all at once. "I don't expect you to say it back."

I looked at him, "I didn't think you would feel the same way about me as I felt about you."

He looked at me, and I sighed.

"Cole, when you cornered me about your sister, it was at the moment I found this immense attraction to you. You have this reputation and all these tattoos, but the look in your eyes spoke a different story. I saw someone that needed love in such a different way, and I wanted to be that guy," I told him as he looked at me. "Cole, I'm in love with you and have been for a long time."

Before I said anything else, Cole crashed his lips into mine. Our kiss turned hungry and passionate. We threw so much emotion into our embrace.

We broke from it and looked at each other. At that moment, I was utterly in love with Cole Hardwick, and he was in love with me.

"Wade, be mine," he said to me as I looked at him.

"On one condition," I replied.

"What's that?" He looked at me quizzically.

"Make me a cake," I suggested as he smirked.

"Got a cookbook?"

I smiled as we both got up and went into the kitchen. I handed Cole a cookbook, and he instructed me everything he needed. After gathering all the ingredients, I watched as he put everything into a bowl and mix it. He placed the batter into pans and put them into the oven.

While the cake baked, he mixed up the frosting and added blue food coloring. After he finishes, he places the bowl of icing in the fridge.

"Buttercream melts, and you have to wait until the cakes are cool to frost them," he explained as I stood there and nodded. I didn't know what he was talking about with a cake.

He reached out and pulled me to him as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"You make me happy, Wade," he said as he leaned in and pressed his lips to mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck as I kissed him back. Then we heard someone clear their throat.

We quickly pulled away from each other to see my parents standing there grinning like fools.

"Hey Mom and Dad, I didn't hear you come in," I spoke in a nervous tone.

"Well, considering you two were too busy locking lips, I don't think you would have," Dad chuckled as Mom giggled.

I rolled my eyes as I heard Cole snicker.

"Are you staying for dinner, Cole?" Mom asked him as she went to the fridge.

I looked at Cole as he looked at me.

"Uh, no, Cole has to leave," I blurted as Cole looked at me quizzically as did my parents.

I didn't know what to say as Cole looked at me, "Make sure you take the cake out when the timer goes off," he said as he walked past me.

I stood there, trying to say something when I heard the door open and close.


I left Wade's house and got into my car as I went. I didn't understand why he felt the need to rush me out of there. Was he embarrassed about us? I profess my feelings, and the next thing I know, he's telling his parents I need to leave.

Maybe it was too soon, or perhaps I would have any happiness ripped from me. The only people that knew about us had no problem with us, but Wade had some strange issue.

Maybe it was a mistake.

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