Were you dropped on your head?

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I waited outside, peeking into the coffeehouse while Adrian talked to Cole. It seems like it was going okay and Adrian wasn't getting his ass beat, that's a plus. Then he stood up, and I duck down.

I waited as Adrian exited the coffeehouse.

"Well," I asked anxiously.

He looked at me. "Morris, he likes you."

My mouth dropped open in surprise. "Really? Like does he like me as 'hey, you're nice' or does he like me like 'hey I think you're kind of cute' sort of deal?"

Adrian gave me a look. "As in if he finds out I told you, he will beat my ass sort of deal."

I looked at Adrian as he gave me a knowing look. I didn't know what to think. I mean, it took me a while to tell anyone I was gay, let alone to have someone like Cole Hardwick like me, who I never knew was even gay, to begin with, all this.

"Morris, he's not like you think," Adrian said as he walked away. He's not what I think? Is that good or bad? I ran after Adrian and bombarded him with questions, but he didn't give me much to go on. I was so confused.

Later that night, I paced around my room, thinking of ways to approach Cole. Nothing was coming to mind, and I'm pretty sure if I did, he would probably tell me I was too young for him since I was only fifteen and a sophomore.

That bummed me out. How is it I find out someone likes me and knows nothing will ever happen? Maybe I was better off keeping my distance. It's not like anything will develop, anyway.


After my conversation with Adrian, I had a feeling he would tell Wade what I said. I didn't mind, though. It would make my decision a lot easier.

I knew I couldn't pursue Wade now because he was only fifteen, but it didn't mean I couldn't continue him when he turned sixteen. The State of Michigan considers the age of sixteen of legal consent; That's a plus about reading a lot. You learn pertinent information, so you don't go to jail.

I would wait until then. I needed to make sure when I left school, people protected Rain. I figure Wade would be an excellent choice to do that, and they seem to get on nicely.

I turned in and got some sleep.

The next day, I took Rain to her room, and once I settled her, I waited around the corner to see if Wade would keep his word. A few minutes later, I watched him stroll down the hallway, stop, look around before entering the room where Rain was. That left me curious about why he did this. I will have to ask him when I get a moment.

Towards the end of the day, I saw him alone and found out why he was acting the way he was with my sister. I walked up to him and placed my hand on his shoulder, turning him around, so we were walking in the same way.

"We need to have a chat," I mentioned to him.

"O-okay," he stuttered as I led him to an empty room, shoving him inside and closing the door behind us.

He stood there looking worried as I looked at him.

"Explain to me why you check around before spending time with my sister?" I questioned him as I had my hands in my front jean pockets.

"I thought you wanted me to keep it quiet," he looked at me quizzically.

"I never said that. I said I wanted you to spend time with Rain since she has no friends," I told him.

"Oh," he replied as he looked confused.

"Listen, people already think my sister is weird or strange because they don't understand Autism. Her little quirks and literal understanding cause people to treat her differently. She's no different from anyone else except she has a neurological disorder that no one understands," I explained to him.

"What's a neurological disorder?" He asked me.

"It a disorder that affects the brain. Certain parts of the brain don't develop properly. In return, it doesn't function normally like a majority of people's brains, although I'm pretty sure most don't use their brain, so that point is moot," I reasoned as he snickered. So he laughs.

I walked over, sitting on top of the desk. I placed my palms on the edge of the desktop.

"Yeah, I'm finding that out with many people that go here, especially with the girl Tony is dating," he said, making a face of disgust.

I sat there listening to him.

"I can't stand her or her friend, and neither can Adrian, but Tony can't see her for what she is," he sighed.

"It happens when you're fascinated with someone. It clouds your judgment and makes you do stupid things." I shrugged.

"I take it someone never infatuated you?" He questioned me.

"Not really," I answered as I watched his face fell. "Except for one." His face snapped into my direction. "There's this one guy that I find myself drawn to him. He has a lot of good qualities, and I can tell he's a decent guy, but I'm trying to find out more about him," I reasoned.

Wade's face changed to crestfallen.

"He sounds like he's pretty lucky if you take an interest in him," he whispered.

"Oh, he doesn't know," I smirked as he looked away.

"I got to go before I'm late for practice," Wade said as he quickly left the room.


Adrian was wrong, I thought as I left the room. It turns out Cole likes someone else, and it wasn't me. I was stupid to think someone like him would want someone like me.

I wiped tears away that had fallen. I didn't need people to think I was a crybaby for liking someone and knowing they didn't want me back. I walked to the locker room and got ready for practice.

Adrian and Tony looked at me with concern.

"Morris, is something wrong?" Tony asked me.

"Nope, everything is fine," I answered as I changed.

He shrugged and finished getting ready, then left the locker room while Adrian waited for me.

"Morris, does this have something to do with Cole?" He inquired.

I sighed. "Cole doesn't like me. He likes someone else, which is fine. I'll be lucky if anyone likes me," I replied as I finished getting ready to leave the locker room.

"I'm pretty sure Cole likes you," he reasoned.

"Not by what he said a few minutes ago," I told him as he looked at me confused. I looked at Adrian. "Cole lied to you." I got up and left the locker room. I finished talking about Cole Hardwick. I'll keep my stupid promise and spend time with his sister. The next year he won't be here, and it won't matter.

Next year, I'll be free of anything that has to do with Cole Hardwick.

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