Chapter 1

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I woke up this morning with a pimple under my mouth. I looked in the mirror and shriveled my nose. Not my first pimple, and definitely not my last. I got my foundation and put it over my pimple. I then proceeded to put on the rest of my makeup on and then put a little more foundation on my pimple.

I got together all my things and walked out the door to the bus. I walked out and waited for the bus. I was almost the only person on my bus, considering I live in a pretty unknown neighborhood. In fact I'm almost 100% sure that I'm the only person under 50 in the neighborhood.

When the bus came I sat in the very front. I said hello to the bus driver, who I've known since freshman year now. She had red corkscrew curls and pretty pale skin. She had brown eyes and was very, brittle, I guess you could say.

When I finally got to school I went to home room. I tried the best I could to cover my hair with my face without looking gothic. I had brunette brown hair with a ton of waves. My mom used to call me ocean hair because I had so many waves. Well I mean, before she died.

I probably didn't tell you about my history.. But I guess I have to because it shapes me the way I am today.

I was 6 years old when my parents and older brother died in a severe car crash. The people said I was more than fortunate to be alive. I was in the orphanage for 2 years but no one volunteered so my aunt Zoe took me in. I moved to California to live with her. She's been abusive ever since age 8. I'm too young to move out and all my other family lives in Canada or somewhere unreachable. My family thinks aunt Zoe is so loving but behind doors she is a monster.

"Hey bug eyes how ya doin", giggled a student.

"Justin that's not nice. That's offensive to bugs", someone cried.

I looked down at the floor and just ran to my seat. I took out my binder and started drawing myself, if I were pretty.

"Class we have a new student! Meet Mr. Luke Hemmings", the teacher announced.

Luke had blonde hair, green eyes, and wore a shirt that looked spray painted with the words 'Words', then a greater than (>) sign and then the words 'Sword'. He had a lip piercing towards the bottom left of his lip. He had his hair done that looked like it was a wave for a surfer.

"Hi. My name's Luke and my family and I just moved here from Florida", Luke said.

I could tell Luke had all the girls looking at him. He seemed just like every other tool type of guy. I continued drawing myself without glasses.

"Please sit next to Brooke", the teacher said, "Brooke, raise your hand so Luke can see you".

I slowly raised my hand and Luke started coming towards me. He sat next to me and pulled out his binder, too. While the teacher talked and talked like usual, Luke and I just kind of sat in the back of the room drawing. I subtly sneaked peeks of his drawing and he kept looking at me too. He was drawing a really pretty girl, probably his girlfriend or something.

At the end of the class I started packing up my stuff. Luke came towards me and slammed a folded piece of paper on my desk.

"What's this?", I asked.

"Just open it", he said with kind eyes.

I looked down at the paper and slowly unraveled it. It was the drawing of the girl with the words 'from Luke' in the lower left corner of the paper.

"I don't get it. Who is it?", I asked, confusingly.

"It's you", Luke smiled.

"W-no it can't me. She's too pretty", I said shamefully. Luke looked at me and moved the hair out of my face. I looked down at the floor.

"I drew you the way I see you", he smiled.

"But where are the bridge of freckles? The ugly eyes?", I asked slowly pointing at the paper.

He smiled, "you're gorgeous".

He then walked away. I just proceeded to my next class too. My next class was culinary arts and it was in the 2nd building.

I got to culinary arts and sat down at the only table without people. I was alone at the table and the teacher was fine with it.

We started talking about how to lose weight the right way and how today's youth was too lazy to be healthy. Suddenly Luke walked in the class.

"Sorry sir. I'm your new student, Luke Hemmings", Luke said.

He saw me and took a seat next to me. The teacher just shrugged and proceeded with class.

"What a surprise", Luke smiled.

"Ha yea", I said.

"Can I tell you a secret?", Luke asked.

"Sure I guess", I said slowly.

"I requested to have all my classes with you, Brooke", he smiled.

That was kinda sweet I guess. My mind flooded with thoughts. Why did he change the schedule? Why did he choose to sit with me? Is he flirting with me?

Why does he choose me?

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