The younger woman shrugged her shoulders, "She has good and bad days. After we went back to Texas she started attending Alcoholics Anonymous again and is currently working with a sponsor to help her remain sober. Living with alcohol addiction is an uphill battle; however she's working really hard to move forward rather than back."

"That's good news. I'm happy to hear that she's taking it seriously and wish her the best."

"She knows it's the only way she'll ever be able to spend time with Tim."

Gibbs nodded, "She's right, I can't have people who are drunk and belligerent around my son."

"Believe me," She paused and rubbed Timmy's back, "I don't want anyone like that around my brother either. I'll keep tabs on her and let you know if anything changes."

"I appreciate that."

Ducky cleared his throat as he popped his head into the family room from the kitchen. "Sorry to interrupt. Jethro, all the dishes have been washed and the leftovers stored; what's next on the itinerary?"

"I think we're done, Duck." Nevertheless he looked over at Sarah to confirm his suspicions. The younger woman nodded, "Yep, I'd say we are."

"Fantastic!" Ducky walked further into the family room and continued, "Sarah, my dear, would you like a hot beverage? Perhaps coffee, tea or hot cocoa?"

While Sarah pondered her decision Ducky gestured toward Tim. "What about my grandson?" Gibbs shrugged his shoulders, "I don't see why he can't have warm cocoa. I'd like to take some photos before I give him anything else to drink though. He's probably going to need a diaper change shortly too."

"I'll do it." Tony chimed in from the kitchen. The smell suddenly hit Sarah's nostrils, causing her to wave her hand in front of her face. Smiling deviously, she chuckled, "Oh, I definitely think this a job for Tony!"

"Toey!" Tim shrieked as he started crawling in the younger man's direction. "Hey kiddo," Tony cooed, crouching down to his level. Gathering Tim in his arms he stood, "Let's go get that wet diaper changed, huh?" Suddenly he caught a whiff of a very dirty diaper. "Oh god!" He held Tim at arms length, practically gagging at the overwhelming smell. "I've never changed a messy diaper before, Boss."

Gibbs was enjoying watching Tony squirm as he slowly got to his feet, "There's a first time for everything, DiNozzo."

"No, no, no I can't do it. What if it gets on my hands?"

"Ah geez, that's why they make soap. It's all part of being a parent."

Sarah watched incredulously, "You're telling me that you have no problem dealing with dead bodies on a daily basis, but you're afraid of a little baby poop?"

Tony stumbled over his words, "Well, I, uh...yes! I don't think I could make it through without losing my dinner."

The older man approached the pair, extending his arms out toward Timmy. "Hand him over, DiNozzo. I don't need him getting a rash, while you decide whether or not your stomach can handle it."

"Toey!" Tim screeched reaching his arms out in desperation as Gibbs pulled him close to his chest. "Wan Toey!" He continued wailing as the older man headed toward the stairs. "Shh buddy, Tony will still be here when we get back." Tony hated the fact that his buddy was upset because he refused to change a dirty diaper. He knew he'd never hear the end of it from Abby and Ziva if he didn't at least try so he called out to Gibbs, "Hang on a moment, Boss." Gibbs stopped halfway up the stairs and turned around, "What is it, DiNozzo?"

Tony ran his fingers through his hair and took a deep breath, "I can't believe I'm about to say this, but I'd like to give it a try. Let me change Timmy."

NCIS: Ages & Stages: Growing Up McBabyWhere stories live. Discover now