Chapter 8

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A/N Hey Everyone! Sorry for the long delay in between chapters but I'm back now! Thank you for all your kind reviews and I really hope you enjoy. Happy New Year!

Maggie smiled softly after seeing the exchange between Tim and Gibbs. Drawing in a deep breath, she wiped the tears from her eyes and startled when Sarah grabbed her hand and pulled it into her lap. Gibbs caught the small gesture between mother and daughter and began to relax. He knew their fight regarding Tim had caused tension within the McGee family and was happy to see they'd come to an understanding.


"What's up, kiddo?" Gibbs responded, lightly kissing Tim's forehead.

Tim reached up, his tiny hand hovering over the bandage on Gibbs' head. Gibbs grasped his hand and lowered it, "Daddy had a little accident, but is going to be okay."

All three McGee women maneuvered their bodies to see what Gibbs was referring to as the dimly lit room made it difficult to see. Squirming under their glare, Gibbs brushed his hair back revealing the large bandage. Feeling his face flush, he pleadingly looked at Ducky, hoping the older man would explain what happened so he wouldn't have to.

Ducky nodded, cleared his throat and waited until the three women turned their attention in his direction before beginning. "After you left this morning with Timothy, Jethro was distraught and fainted, hit his head on the curb and ended up with a nasty gash, concussion and some frostbite."

"Oh my gosh." Penny gasped and held her hand over her mouth while Sarah echoed her with a similar response and Maggie appeared unfazed by the trauma Gibbs had suffered.

"How are you feeling now Agent Gibbs? Maybe we should have waited and brought Timothy back tomm..."

"No!" Gibbs bellowed, interrupting Penny before she could finish. Chuckling lightly, Penny responded, "Or maybe not. I only meant if we would have known it would have given you time to rest before you had to deal with a toddler again."

Gibbs shook his head, "I appreciate your thoughtfulness; however, it makes me feel better knowing that Timmy is here with me. Besides this little guy..." he paused, pulled Tim close and continued "Is my life and I will do everything in my power to make sure he lives a happy, healthy life."

Maggie nodded slightly and glanced around the room, "Is there anywhere we can speak in private Agent Gibbs?"

Slightly surprised by Maggie's request, Gibbs nodded as he ran through a list of rooms in his mind that would give them adequate privacy. He certainly couldn't choose Tim's room after the destruction he caused earlier and he sure as hell didn't want Maggie in his own bedroom. Then he remembered the basement, since Tim had been regressed he hadn't spent much time in it, but it was where he felt the most comfortable and would give them privacy. Standing up, he moved Tim to his shoulder and patted his back, "I'm going to leave you with Ducky while I go talk to Maggie. Daddy will be back in a few minutes buddy."

Tim shivered and buried his face in the crook of Gibbs' neck. Gently stroking the toddler's back, Gibbs deposited him in Ducky's lap and slowly knelt down in front of the pair. "I'm just going downstairs, sweetie. Maybe while I'm gone Ducky can get you a bottle. Would you like that?"

His bottom lip quivering, Tim's thumb crept up to his mouth and he nodded slowly as Gibbs kissed the top of his head and motioned Maggie to follow him. Taking one last look over his shoulder as he exited the family room and headed toward the basement stairs, Gibbs was anxious to speak with Maggie so he could get back to Timmy. Holding the basement door open and switching on the light, Gibbs trudged down the stairs, turning around when he realized Maggie wasn't following him.

NCIS: Ages & Stages: Growing Up McBabyWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt